~ West Texas Historical Association ~

Picture This!
Below are some images from the 2004 Annual Meeting held at the Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Members browsing in the exhibitor's room.

Robert Hall explaining the procedures for submitting an article to the WTHA Yearbook.

WTHA-TMS members enjoying the Saturday luncheon.

Year Book Editor Monte Monroe addressing the lunch crowd.

Group photograph of the Texas Map Society and West Texas Historical Association members at the Johnson Building on the Hardin-Simmons University Campus, 2004

Paul Carlson giving a light-hearted take on writing styles, the Dos and the Don'ts.

Members bidding on the Silent Auction items, including a signed football and picture of Sammy Baugh.

TMS President John Crain and Kenneth Davis.

Saturday Luncheon.

WTHA President Kenneth Davis talking with Fred Rathjen.

Student Essay Award Winner, David Holt.

Monte Monroe pointing out editing preferences for articles published in the Yearbook.

Incoming WTHA President-elect, Preston Lewis, speaking to the crowd.

A Little Music to Cap the Evening Off
Below are some images from Friday night presentations at the Paramount Theatre.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Before introducing the guest speaker, Kenneth Davis reminds the audience that monies from the silent auction will be used for scholarships.

Noted scholar of the American West, Jim Hoy charmed the audience with western songs.

H. Allen Anderson joins the crowd in getting refreshments before the show begins.

Between lyrics, Hoy shared background information on the songs and other related stories.

President of the Texas Map Society, John Crain.

Dinner with a View
Below are some images from the Buffalo Gap excursion on Saturday afternoon.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

WTHA-TMS members at Perini’s back porch for BBQ on Saturday evening.

“High, Wide and Handsome” H. Allen patrols the streets of Buffalo Gap.

From left to right:  Robert Hall (as “the thinker”), Kevin Young, and unidentified on the ground of the Buffalo Gap Historic Village.

Scott Sosebee (center) at Perini’s.  Flanked to the left by Betty Hargus (Ft. Stockton) and Peggy Elliot (Sweetwater), and to the right by Winston Sosebee (Midland)

Members piling on the barbeque at Perini’s.

View of Callahan Divide from Perini’s back porch.

Touring Buffalo Gap.

“Serving Time in the Buffalo Gap Jail.” Jackie   Garcia and Linda Pucket of the WTHA.

From left to right: Clint and Siva Chambers, Sonja Clayton, and unidentified lady at Perini’s.

Ruel Jenmtgens (sp?) and Kit Goodwin (Arlington).

Erik Carlson at Perini’s.

Shopping in the Buffalo Gap store for bargains.

“Sheriffs” Don Frazier of the McWhinney Foundation and Robert Hall of the WTHA greet guests to Buffalo Gap Historic Village.  Note “Miss Kitty” at lower right.

Members walking toward Perini’s Steakhouse.

Waiting in line for the grub. Pictured include Travis Roberts (left) and Erik Carlson (right).

Mr. Hargus (left).

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Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas

Ph. 806-742-9076



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