~ West Texas Historical Association ~

Another Road Trip (2005)
Below are some images of WTHA members participating in the Center for Big Bend Studies meeting.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.


Paul Carlson.

Travis Roberts, Paul Carlson and Bruce Glasrud.

Tiffany Fink presenting a paper.

Leland Turner chatting with colleagues.

Catching Up with Old Friends and Colleagues (2005)

Below are some images from the 82nd annual meeting of the West Texas Historical Association, which was held on the Sul Ross State University campus from March 31- April 2.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Monte Monroe, Tai Kreidler and Paul Carlson on Skyline Drive at Indian Lodge.

Robert Hall, Tai Kreidler and H. Allen Anderson by the Sand Dunes Historic Marker outside Kermit, Texas.

Wes and Jake Sheffield of Burleson, Texas.

The Speakers, Presenters and Appreciative Audience (2005)
The program offered a wide variety of presentations by speakers of all ages.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Travis Roberts introducing speaker Ted Gray.

Friday night guest speaker, Ted Gray.

WTHA's youngest presenter, Jake Sheffield.

Bill and Gayla Neil from Quanah, Texas.

Brenda Haes.

Travis Roberts and Ted Gray

Matt Tippens, Scott Sosebee, and Gretchen Adams.

Luncheons, Receptions and the Company of Good Friends (2005)
Between sessions, members caught up on old times and gathered for meals.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Scott Sosebee, Winston Sosebee, Leland Turner and Sam Prose.

Lunch at the Bear Den Restaurant in Balmorhea, Texas.  Pictured are H. Allen Anderson, Brenda Haes, Freedonia Paschall, Robert Hall and Holle Humphries.

Friday night dinner at the Holland Hotel.

Saturday night dinner in the Black Bear Restaurant at Indian Lodge.

Monte Monroe, Keith Owens and Travis Roberts listening to President Preston Lewis.

Troy Ainsworth, Lee Ann Alford and President Preston Lewis.

 A Scenic View (2005)
After sessions, members enjoyed the beauty of Fort Davis as they visited Fort Davis, Indian Lodge and the MacDonald Observatory.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Two views from Skyline Drive at the Indian Lodge (above).

Indian Lodge.

Interior view of a bedroom at Indian Lodge.

A view of the buildings at Fort Davis.

WTHA crowd listening to a park ranger at Fort Davis.

Reenactors at the Fort Davis event, "From Retreat to Tatoo."

Ellen and Paul Carlson.

Reenactors at Fort Davis vent, "From Retreat to Tatoo."

P.O. 41041
Texas Tech University
 Lubbock, Texas

 Ph. 806-742-9076



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