~ West Texas Historical Association ~

Picture This!
Below are some images of WTHA members at 2000 events.

2000 Annual Meeting in Midland.
*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Kenneth Davis introducing Robert Flynn at the banquet.

At the East Texas session, from left to right, Don Willet and Archie McDonald.

Grover Murray looking at items in the Book Exhibit room.

WTHA members at the East Texas Historical Association's meeting.
*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Some WTHA members attending the East Texas Historical Association. Pictured include Jim Smallwood, Tai Kreidler and Kenneth F. Neighbours.

Members touring a historic house in Nacogdoches during a reception. Neighbours and Kreidler in the foreground.

Clint Chambers and Harwood Hinton chatting.

Networking with fellow history buffs. Pictured are Donald E. Willett, Tai Kreidler and Joanne Stiles.

Clint Chambers shares conversation at the ETHA Friday night banquet in Fort Worth.

P.O. 41041
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas

Ph. 806-742-9076



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