West Texas Historical
Review - Authors "A"
Below, alphabetized by author's last name, is a
list of articles appearing in the West Texas Historical Review (formerly
called The Yearbook). In instances when there is no
author given, the article is listed by title:
Authors whose last name begin with "A"
- Adams, Michael. "Crossroads on the
Dance Floor": vol. 66: 147.
Aday, Lu Ann. "From Open to Closed
Range Ranching in Cochran County, Texas: The History of Old
Surratt Territory": vol. 76:
Alf, E. Karl. "George Wilkins
Kendall and the West Texas Sheep Industry": vol. 58: 67.
Ainsworth, Len, Editor. "Notes and Documents- 'Crimmins
and Cameron'": vol. 86: 158.
Ainsworth, Troy Michael. "Henry Connelly's Commercial Expedition
from Mexico to the American Southwest, 1839-40": vol. 79: 160.
Ainsworth, Troy. "Mabel Welch: El
Paso's First Woman Architect": vol. 85: 139.
Ainsworth, Troy. "The
Second Santa Fe Expedition: Jacob Snively and the Mission to
Disrupt New Mexico Commerce in 1843": vol. 82:
- [Edited by] Allison, Austin. "Notes, Documents,
and Sundries - JA Cattle Company": vol. 88: 173.
- [Edited by] Allison, Austin. "Notes, Documents, and Sundries - Newspapers, Oil, and Railroad Land": vol. 90: 129.
- [Editor] Allison, Austin. "Publications in West Texas History": vol. 90: 160.
- [Editor] Allison, Austin. "Publications in West Texas History": vol. 92: 182.
- [Editor] Allison, Austin. "Publications in West Texas History": vol. 94: 145.
- [Editor] Allison, Austin. "Publications in West Texas History": vol. 95: 149.
- [Editor] Allison, Austin. "Publications in West Texas History": vol. 96: 200.
- Allison, Fred. "Lubbock's Most Sensational Murder Case": vol. 76: 40.
- Álvarez, José Manuel Serrano and Allan J. Kuethe. "The San Sabá Presidio and Spain's Frontier Policy in North America": vol. 83: 7.
Amin, Julius. "Black Lubbock: 1955
to the Present": vol. 65: 24.
Anderson, Adrian N. "Last Phase of
Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie's 1874 Campaign Against the Comanches,
The": vol. 40: 71.
Anderson, Allen. "Ballyhooing in
West Texas: Memories of a Cowboy Band Alumnus": vol. 71: 157. H.
Anderson, George S "West Texas and
Its Press as I Have Known Them": vol. 18: 3.
- Anderson, H. Allen. "A Bow Tie Maverick in West Texas: Grover E. Murray
and the Emergence of Texas Tech University": vol. 91: 81.
- Anderson, H. Allen. "John
C. Granbury and the Modernist-Fundamentalist Controversy of
1931-32": vol. 88: 118.
- Anderson, H. Allen. "The Last of the Wildcatters: A Tribute to
Harvey B. Rhoads": vol. 79: 77.
Anderson, H. Allen. "The Laying of the
Cornerstone: Lubbock's Most Memorable Armistice Day": vol. 85:
Anderson, H. Allen, editor. "Indian
Raids on the Texas Frontier: The Personal Memoir of Hugh Allen
Anderson": vol. 51: 85.
Anderson, H. Allen. "Monroe Brown
and Rebecca Skeen Sawyer: Pioneers of the South Plains": vol. 60:
- Anderson, H. Allen. "Montie Ritchie and the JA Ranch: A Tribute": vol. 77: 6.
- Anderson, H. Allen. "Mountain Pass: A Texas Frontier Landmark": vol. 53: 57.
- Anderson, H. Allen. "The Westerner Band and Seldom Inn: Personal Recollections of Lubbock in the Thirties": vol. 74: 57.
- Anderson, H. Allen. "The West Texas Museum and Its Hidden Treasure: The Story of the Peter Hurd Mural": vol. 94: 52.
- Armes, Ashley. "Kent Hance, George W. Bush, and West Texas' 1978 Congressional Election (Outstanding Student Paper Award)": vol. 81: 113.
- Aston, B. W. "Affairs of the
Association: 1998 Annual Meeting": vol. 74: 190.
Aston, B. W. "Annual Financial
Report of the Executive Director": vol. 74: 192.
Aston, B. W. "Another Day-Another
Time: Abilene in 1885": vol. 54: 32.
Aston, B. W. "John D. Windham:
Diary of a Frontier Doctor": vol. 75:
Aston, B. W. "Roby Gets a Railroad":
vol. 52: 71.
Aston, B. W. "The West Texas
Historical Association": vol. 76:
Aston, B.W., and Ken Jacobs. "Mrs.
John (Thelma) Berry": vol. 59: 156.
Austerman, Wayne R. "Jose Policarpo
Rodriquez: Chicano Plainsman": vol. 59: 52.
Austerman, Wayne R. "San Antonio--El
Paso Mail, C. S. A., The": vol. 58: 77.
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