~ West Texas Historical Association ~

West Texas Historical Review - Authors "J"
Below, alphabetized by author's last name, is a list of articles appearing in the West Texas Historical Review (formerly called The Yearbook). In instances when there is no author given, the article is listed by title:

Authors whose last name begin with "J"

  • Jameson, John R.  "Quest for a National Park in Texas, The" vol. 50: 47.
  • Jensen, Robert.  "Lubbock Physicians and Changes in the Doctor-Patient Relationship Since the Advent of Medicare" vol. 75: 73.
  • Johnson, Melvin C.  "The Mormon Cowboys of Bandera County and the Texas Hill Country," vol. 80: 159.
  • Johnson, Mrs. Virgil, and J. W. Williams.  "Some Northwest Texas Trails After Butterfield" vol. 42: 59.
  • Jones, Arthur H.  "Story of William Davies: Texas Shepherd, The" vol. 58: 29.
  • Jones, Billy M.  "Lonely West Texan in the Philippine Insurrection--1890-1901, A" vol. 46: 101.
  • Jones, Billy M.  "Walter Dibrell: Early Methodist Circuit Rider in the Concho Basin" vol. 48: 111.
  • Jones, Billy M.  "West Texas: A Haven for Health Seekers" vol. 42: 3.
  • Jones, Eugene W.  "Decade of the Country Editor: 1954-1964, A" vol. 62: 52.
  • Jones, Mrs. J. Lee, and 0. W. Cline.  "Frontier Days in Mitchell County and Colorado City" vol. 16: 28.
  • Jones, Mrs. J. Lee, and Rupert N. Richardson.  "Colorado City, the Cattlemen's Capital" vol. 19: 36.
  • Jones, Ronald W.  "Religion at Texas Tech: Toward the Separation of Church and State" vol. 66: 139.

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