West Texas Historical Review - Authors "H"
Below, alphabetized by author's last name, is a list of articles appearing in the West Texas Historical Review
(formerly called The Yearbook). In instances when there is no author given, the article is listed by title:
Authors whose last name begin with "H"
- Haes,
Brenda. "The T-Anchor Ranch and Fort Sill, Oklahoma Territory:
The Cowboys and the Indians":
vol. 81: 33.
- Haggard, Tiffany. "Rural
Revolution: South Plains Cotton Farmers and Federal Farm
Legislation, 1929-1936": vol. 76:
Haggard, Tiffany M. "West Texas
Congressmen and Their Constituents During the First Hundred Days
of the New Deal": vol. 75:
Hale, Duane K. "Ralph A. Smith:
Gentleman, Educator, Scholar": vol. 72: 177. 177-192.
Hale , Duane K. "Riddle of the Big
Country’s Stone Maps Remains Unsolved": vol. 74: 15.
Hale, Duane K. "Silver Boom of Brown
County in 1879, The": vol. 54: 65.
Hale, Duane Kendall. "Cyrus N. Ray:
The Abilene Man": vol. 55: 17.
Haley, J. Evetts. "Grass Fires of
the Southern Plains": vol. 5: 24.
- Haley, J. Evetts. "Notes, Documents, and Sundries - Grass Fires of the Southern Plains": vol. 95: 114.
Hall, Esther Jane Wood, Dr. "Cowboy
Remedies on the Trail": vol. 41: 31.
Hammond, Jim. "The Family Forts
on the Southern Plains": vol. 88: 33.
Hammons, Anne. "West Texas Delegates
to the State Constitutional Convention of 1875": vol. 12: 56.
Hamrick, Alma Ward. "Forty Years of
Pioneering in San Saba County, 1846-1886": vol. 11: 9.
Hancock, William Box. "Trail Life":
vol. 44: 106.
Hardman, Peggy. "Building a Place of
their Own: The Kerrville State Sanatorium for 'Negroes'": vol.
85: 121.
Harper, Carl. "Building the Santa Fe
Railroad Through the South Plains": vol. 11: 73.
Harper, Cecil 0., Jr. "Before They
Were Populists: Politics and Politicians in Jack County,
1884-1892": vol. 53: 106.
- Harrison, Lowell H. "Adobe
Walls, Frontier Enterprise": vol. 46: 14.
Hartley, Thomas J. "Crow Family of
Hamlin, Texas--1940-1945, The": vol. 69: 89.
Hartsfield, Loy William. "Brief
History of Breckenridge and the Stephens County Oil Fields, A":
vol. 12: 100.
Haskew, Eula. "Stribling and
Kirkland of Fort Griffin": vol. 32: 55.
Hatcher, Averlyne M. "Water Problem
of the Matador Ranch, The": vol. 20: 51.
Hatcher, John H. "Founding of Dyess
Air Force Base, The": vol. 39: 28.
Hatfield, Charles A. P., Colonel,
U.S. Army retired. "Comanche, Kiowa, and Cheyenne Campaign in
Northwest Texas and MacKenzie’s Fight in the Palo Duro Canyon,
September 26, 1874, The": vol. 5: 128.
Hatfield, Thomas M. "Drought and
Texas Cities": vol. 40: 40.
- Hathorn, Billy. "Land, Cattle, and Settlement: Timothy Dwight Hobart and the Shaping of the Texas Panhandle, 1855-1935": vol. 92: 78.
- Hathorn, Billy. "Mayor Ernest Angelo, Jr., of Midland and the 96-0 Reagan Sweep of Texas, May 1, 1976": vol. 86: 77.
- Hathorn, Billy. "Mayor Jim Reese of Odessa and the Republican Party in the Permian Basin": vol. 87: 127.
- Hathorn, Billy. "Roy Bean, Temple Houston, Bill Longley, Ranald Mackenzie, Buffalo Bill Jr., and the Texas Rangers: Depictions of West Texans in Series Television, 1955-1967": vol. 89: 102.
- Hathorn, Billy. "Orville Bullington: West Texas Lawyer, Businessman, and Republican Pioneer": vol. 94: 69.
- Havins, T. R. "Activities of Company E, Frontier Batallion, Texas Rangers, 1874-1880": vol. 11: 62.
Havins, T. R. "Frontier Era in Brown
County, The": vol. 13: 64.
Havins, T. R. "Frontier Missionary
Difficulties": vol. 15: 54.
Havins, T. R. "Livestock and Texas
Law": vol. 36: 18.
Havins, T. R. "Missionary Efforts of
Noah T Byars, The": vol. 10: 3.
Havins, T. R. "Passing of the
Frontier in Brown County, The": vol. 8: 43.
Havins, T. R. "Sheepmen-Cattlemen
Antagonisms on the Texas Frontier": vol. 18: 10.
Havins, T. R. "Texas Sheep Boom":
vol. 28: 3.
Hawkins, Rusty. "Alson Asa Meredith and
John C. Williams Generations Apart, Water in Common": vol. 83:
- Hawkins, Rusty. "A Promise Kept: The Canadian River Municipal Water Authority": vol. 81: 19.
Hayne, Frank H. "Early Days in Parmer County": vol. 23: 25.
- Hays, James B. "Colonel John Moore's 1840 Indian Fight on the Colorado: Correcting History": vol. 95: 73.
Hayter, Delmar. "Early Development
of the Pecos River Valley of New Mexico and Texas, 1880-1900,
The": vol. 62: 69.
Hayter, Delmar. "Pioneer Women of
West Texas in the Early Twentieth Century": vol. 65: 78.
Hazel, Sybal. "Prohibition Campaign
of 1911": vol. 18: 92.
Head, Alberta Fitzpatrick. "General
Arnold Comes to Avenger Field": vol. 50: 92.
Head, Alberta. "Nolan's Marvelous
Decade": vol. 59: 98.
Henderson, E. W. "Buffalo Hump, a
Comanche Diplomat": vol. 35: 112.
Henegar, Lucielle. "Beating Swords
into Ploughshares: Hereford Military Reservation and Reception
Center": vol. 62: 14.
Henry, F. P. "The Controversy Over
the Incorporation of Impact, Texas": vol. 49: 114.
Hicks, I. 0. "Hundredth Meridian and
the Texas-Oklahoma Boundary in the Panhandle, The": vol. 14:
Hill, Frank P. "South Plains and Our
Indian History, The": vol. 12: 34.
Hill, Jim Dan. "Emergence of
Historical Associations, The": vol. 57: 133.
Hinkle, Mary Nell and Betty Rathjen, editors.
"Notes and Documents- 'An Outing near Sanderson, Texas in
1915'": vol. 85: 231.
Hinton, Harwood P. "Life and Death
on the Goodnight-Loving Trail": vol. 70: 102.
Hoffman, Allen W. "Findings Along a
Segment of the California Trail of 1849": vol. 33: 105.
Holcomb, Bob C. "Joe Bailey and
Agrarian Reform in the Congressional Election Of 1890": vol. 46:
Holden, W. C. "Coronado's Route
Across the Staked Plains": vol. 20: 3.
Holden, W. C. "Frontier
Defense, 1846-1860": vol. 6: 35.
Holden, W. C. "Immigration and
Settlement in West Texas": vol. 5: 72.
Holden, W. C. "Problem of
Stealing on the Spur Ranch, The": vol. 8: 25.
Holden, W. C. "Robert Cypret
Parrack, Buffalo Hunter and Fence Cutter": vol. 21: 29.
Holden, W. C. "The Buffalo of
the Plains Area": vol. 2: 8.
Holden, W. C., editor. "Spur
Ranch Diary, 1887, A": vol. 7: 68.
Holden, W. C. "Frontier
Defense in Texas During the Civil War": vol. 4: 16.
Holden, W. C. "Possibilities of
Literature in Local History": vol. 1: 25.
Holt, David. "Our Dream Was to
Have a Home: The Pioneer Experience in Hutchinson County and the
Texas West,"
vol. 80: 77.
Holt, R. D. "Introduction of
Barbed Wire into Texas and the Fence Cutting War, The": vol. 6:
Holt, R. D. "School Land
Rushes in West Texas": vol. 10: 42.
Holt, R. D. "Texas Had Hot
County Elections": vol. 24: 3.
Holt, R.D. "Saga of Barbed
Wire in the Tom Green Country, The": vol. 4: 32.
Honea, Jacqueline B. "Oklahoma
Black Blizzard, April 14, 1935, The": vol. 69: 142.
Hooks, Michael Q. "Recording
West Texas Lands: The Role of the General Land Office": vol. 62:
Hooks, Michael Q. "Southwest
Collection Update: A Decade Report": vol. 53: 121.
Hoover, D. Sandy, editor. "Notes and Documents- W. F.
Cummins' Report on the Possible Origins of the Name, Llano
Estacado," vol. 80: 184.
Sandy. "Searching for Meaning in the 'Llano Estacado":
vol. 81: 90.
House, Kurt. "Early History of
Live Oak County, Texas, An": vol. 57: 84.
Howarth, Jacob. "Letter,
Experiences of an Ex-Soldier": vol. 2: 3.
Howell, D. S. "Along the Texas
Frontier During the Civil War": vol. 13: 82.
Howell, Kenneth Wayne. "New Western
History, New Western Historians, and the Attempt to Define the
West as a Region" vol. 78:
Howsley, Marilynne. "Forting Up on
the Texas Frontier During the Civil War": vol. 17: 71.
Huber, Armin 0. "Frederic Armand
Strubberg, Alias Dr. Shubbert, Town-Builder, Physician and
Adventurer, 1806-1889": vol. 38: 37.
Hubert, H. G. (Virginia H. Taylor,
contributor) "Notes on Coleman County History": vol. 34: 128.
Hughes, Patrick L. "West Texas
Swing: Roosevelt Purge in the Land of the Lone Star?" vol. 75:
Hughes, Pollyanna B. "James Rufus
Gaut: Pioneer Panhandle Editor": vol. 43: 118.
Hume, Gladys. "Cattle Brands at the
West Texas Rehabilitation Center": vol. 68: 171.
- Humphreys, Krystal. "'Dragging Main; : Courtship, Dating, and Girlhood in 1950s West Texas' ": vol. 96: 124.
- Humphries, Hollie. "Philosophical and Aesthetic Paradigms Prevalent in the Art of West Texas and the Llano Estacado" vol. 77: 99.
- Hunt, Alex. "The McCorkle Debacle: A JA Land Fraud Case": vol. 90: 20.
- Hunt, Alex. "Riding the Hemispheric Range: Roy Vivian and Belle Burns": vol. 94: 17.
Hunter, J. Marvin. "Battle of Dove
Creek, The": vol. 10: 74.
Hunter, J. Marvin. "Lottie Deno I
Knew, The": vol. 23: 30.
Hunter, J. Marvin. "Preserving the
History of Our Pioneers": vol.3: 13.
Hutto, John R. "Big Spring and
Vicinity": vol. 8: 75.
Hutto, John R. "General Simon Godell
Griffin": vol. 17: 94.
Hutto, John R. "German and Catholic
Colony of Mariensfeld, The": vol. 9: 24.
Hutto, John R. "Living on Three
Frontiers: Mrs. Martha Jane Conway": vol. 25: 104.
Hutto, John R. "Mrs. Elizabeth (Aunt
Hank) Smith": vol. 15: 40.
Hutto, John R. "Pioneering of the
Texas and Pacific": vol. 12: 124.
Hutto, John R. "Review of the Work
of the West Texas Historical Association. A": vol. 15: 150.
Hutto, John R. "Sweetwater Meeting,
The": vol. 8: 136.
Hutto, John R. "T-Diamond Brand,
The": vol. 22: 81.
Hutto, John R. "Uncle John Marlin":
vol. 4: 105.
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