~ West Texas Historical Association ~

West Texas Historical Review - Authors "Q - R"
Below, alphabetized by author's last name, is a list of articles appearing in the West Texas Historical Review (formerly called The Yearbook). In instances when there is no author given, the article is listed by title:

Authors whose last name begin with "Q"

  • Quinby, J. Roy.  "Development of Grain Sorghums, The" vol. 33: 45.

Authors whose last name begin with "R"

  • Ramirez, Abel, Editor.  "Notes and Documents: A Jack Rabbit Drive" vol. 76: 165.
  • Ramirez, Abel.  "Out With the Old, In With the New:  The Demise of the Southwest Conference": vol. 81: 144.
  • Ramsey, Grover C.  "Camp Melvin, Crockett County, Texas": vol. 37: 137.
  • Randolph, J. Ralph.  "Border Reaction to the Villa Raids": vol. 49: 3.
  • Rasch, Philip J.  "Amende Honorable: the Life and Death of Billy Wilson": vol. 34: 97.
  • Rasch, Philip J.  "Gun and the Rope, The": vol. 33: 138.
  • Rasch, Philip J.  "Lynching of William S. Pearl, The": vol. 32: 70.
  • Rathjen, Frederick W.  "Whither Regional Historical Organization? ": vol. 73: 6.
  • Rayburn, John C.  "Cannonading the Clouds at Midland, 1891": vol. 34: 50.
  • Rayburn, John C.  "General Sherman Visits the Mexican Frontier, 1882": vol. 38: 72.
  • Reavis, Dick.  "Western Cattle Trail in Coleman County, The": vol. 28: 96.
  • "Recent Publicatons of Interest to West Texans": vol. 69: 168.
  • "Record of Engagement with Hostile Indians in Texas, 1868-1882": vol. 9: 101.
  • Records, Ralph H.  "End of the Texas Trail; Range Riding and Ranching, 1878, At the": vol. 19: 109.
  • Reese, James V.  "Murder of Major Ripley A. Arnold, The": vol. 41: 144.
  • Rich, Harold.  "A Distinctive Legacy: Settlement Patterns of Fort Worth's Hispanic Community": vol. 82: 35.
  • Richardson, R. N.  "Comanche Reservation in Texas, The": vol. 5: 47.
  • Richardson, R. N.  "Jim Shaw, The Delaware": vol. 3: 3.
  • Richardson, R. N., editor.  "Eldredge’s Report on His Expedition to the Comanches": vol. 4: 114.
  • Richardson, Rupert N.  "Ben Ottis Grant": vol. 39: 165.
  • Richardson, Rupert N.  "John Floyd Berry": vol. 45: 189.
  • Richardson, Rupert N.  "M. A. Grisham and the Grisham-Hunter Corporation": vol. 46: 135.
  • Richardson, Rupert N.  "Our First Fifty Years": vol. 50: 3.
  • Richardson, Rupert N.  "Removal of Indians From Texas in 1853; A Fiasco": vol. 20: 86.
  • Richardson, Rupert N.  "Saga of Camp Cooper, The": vol. 56: 14.
  • Richardson, Rupert N.  "Santa Anna and the Santa Anna Mountains": vol. 11: 47.
  • Richardson, Rupert N.  "Southern Overland Mail, Conveyor of News, 1857-1861, The": vol. 34: 25.
  • Richardson, Rupert N.  "William S. Ikard and Hereford Raising in Texas": vol. 25: 39.
  • Richardson, Rupert N., editor.  "Documents Relating to West Texas and Her Indian Troubles": vol. 1: 30.
  • Richardson, T. C.  "A. LeGrand Survey for the Beals And Royuella Grant, The" vol. 31: 102.
  • Rickard, J. A., as told to.  "Recollections of B. F. Gholson" vol. 17: 108.
  • Ricker, Suzanne.  "Harley Sadler and His Own Company" vol. 49: 16.
  • Riemenschneider, Larry. "The History of the 1889 Concho Valley Fair Association Fairgrounds and Race Track in San Angelo, Texas": vol. 94: 8.
  • Riney, W. A.  "Retracing the Butterfield Trail" vol. 9: 97.
  • Rister, C. C.  "Border Post of Phantom Hill, The" vol. 14: 3.
  • Rister, C. C., editor.  "Early Accounts of Indian Depredations": vol. 2: 18.
  • Rister, C. C.  "Possibilities in the Field of West Texas History" vol. 6: 170.
  • Rister, C. C.  "Social Activities of the Southwestern Cowboy" vol. 7: 40.
  • Frontier Letters--Indian Troubles; Newspaper Accounts of Indian Depredations from Flake's Daily Bulletin, 1867, Austin Daily Republican, 1867, The San Antonio Daily Express, 1870; Letter, Dishonest Traders, Sherman to Grant, and Reports of Commanders of Department of Texas for 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874.
  • Rister, Carl C.  "Fort Griffin" vol. 1: 15.
  • Rister, Carl Coke.  "Yates, an `Oil Klondike’" vol. 25: 3.
  • Roach, Lauren.  "The Life and Legacy of Laura Bush," vol. 88: 67.
  • Roberts, Cleon.  "The Afterlife of Adobe Walls," vol. 80: 137.
  • Roberts, Derrell C.  "Governor Joseph E. Brown of Georgia and the Texas and Pacific Railroad" vol. 46: 184.
  • "Frontier Experiences of Emmett Roberts of Nugent, Texas" vol. 3: 43.
  • Roberts, R. L.  "Expansion of Churches of Christ in West Texas in the Post-Civil War Period" vol. 53: 91.
  • Robertson, Robert.  "Texas: La Terre Promise" vol. 73: 11.
  • Robinson, Scott.  "The Westerner Band and Seldom Inn: Personal Recollections of Lubbock in the Thirties The Flatland Factor: One Hundred Years  of Imag(in)ing the Llano Estacado" vol. 74: 136.
  • Rodenberger, Lou H.  "Presidential Address: Texas Women Writers and Their `Usable Past’" vol. 72: 201.
  • Rodenberger, Lou.  "Sand Tables and One Eyed Cat: Experiences of Two Rural School Teachers" vol. 56: 80.
  • Rodenberger, Lou.  "West Texas Pioneer Women: The Wilder, Stronger Breed" vol. 77: 38.
  • Roland, Nicholas.  "'If i git home I will take care of Num Bir one:' Murder and Memory on the Hill Country Frontier": vol. 92: 104.
  • Romero, Yolanda G.  "Adelante Companeros: The Sanitation Worker's Struggle in Lubbock, Texas, 1968-1972" vol. 69: 82.
  • Romero, Yolanda.  "Los Socios Del Sementerio(Sic): A Mexican-American Burial Society in Early Lubbock, Texas" vol. 63: 123.
  • Rossignol, Steve.   "A Tale of Baseball, Socialism, and Oil": vol. 95: 24.
  • Rylander, Dorothy.  "Economic Phase of the Ranching Industry on the Spur Ranch, The" vol. 7: 56.

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