WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, Article Titles C - D
Below is an alphabetized list of
articles appearing in the West Texas Historical Association Yearbook:
Articles starting with "C"
- "C. C. Slaughter's Lazy S Ranch":
vol. 47: 107. David J. Murrah.
"C. R. Simmons":
vol. 34: 149.
"Camp Cooper and Fort Griffin,
Texas": vol. 17: 32.
Colonel M. L. Crimmins.
"Camp Cooper, a Different Look":
vol. 68: 62. Tom Crum.
"Camp Melvin, Crockett County,
Texas": vol. 37: 137.
Grover C. Ramsey.
"Cannonading the Clouds at Midland,
1891": vol. 34: 50. John
C. Rayburn.
"Captain Joseph C. Lea, the Father
of Roswell": vol. 35: 50.
James T. Padgitt.
"Captain Nolan’s Lost Troop on the
Staked Plains": vol. 10: 68.
Col. M. L. Crimmins.
"Captain Wise and Colonel Parker: A
Denominational Fight in Early Abilene":
vol. 74: 6. A. C. Greene.
"Career of Judge William P.
Ballinger, The": vol. 18: 54.
Louise C. Curtsinger.
G. Cromwell and Cromwell Airlines: The Dawn
of Commercial Aviation in West Texas, 1928-1931": vol. 79: 89.
Erik Carlson.
AFB's Major Horace S. Carswell, Jr., and His San Angelo Connection": vol. 78:
64. J'Nell L. Pate.
"Catholic Education in West Texas":
vol. 39: 2. Sister
Barbara Kelly.
"Catholicism in West Texas in 1841-1842: A Letter":
vol. 46: 198. J. M.
Odin; Introduction by Fane Downs.
Sells and Progressive Indian Health Reform":
vol. 70: 157. William B.
Brands at the West Texas Rehabilitation Center":
vol. 68: 171. Gladys Hume.
"A Century of History Yields Far More Than
Railroads, Grain Elevators, and Pied Pipers": vol. 83: 155.
Cheryl Lewis.
"Chapter in the Life of Col. Chas. Goodnight, A":
vol. 6: 112. L. S. Kinder.
"Chapters from the Frontier Life of Phin W. Reynolds":
vol. 21: 110. J. R. Webb.
"Chapters from the History of Texas Indian Reservations":
vol. 33: 3. Kenneth F.
"Charles Ulrich Connellee": vol.
7: 140. Dr. H. B. Tanner.
"Cheatin' Song: A Redneck Blues, The":
vol. 71: 106. David
"Chickasaw on the Texas Frontier, The":
vol. 58: 130. Monte
"Christmas 1887 in Palo Duro Canyon":
vol. 32: 75. J.C. Tolman.
"Christmas Dinner On the Upper Brazos in 1872":
vol. 14: 83. Captain
Jack Elgin.
of Wagons, A (An Historical Essay Fostered by the Epidemic of
Poliomyelitis at San Angelo, Texas in the Year 1949) ":
vol. 66: 98. Ralph Chase.
"Citizen Law Enforcement Bodies: A Little More About the
Vigilantes": vol. 39: 155.
Ben O. Grant.
Soldier from West Texas: The World War II Experience of Ray
Franklin Lewis,":
vol. 80: 53. Preston Lewis.
Slicker, The": vol. 30: 61.
James T. Padgitt.
War in the El Paso Area, The":
vol. 22: 3. J. L. Waller.
"Civilian Fort on the Confederate Frontier, A":
vol. 61: 74. David
of West Texas to Recognition By Historians, The":
vol. 12: 11. R. C. Crane.
"Clayton W. Williams": vol. 58:
171. Fane Downs.
"Clifton Mott Caldwell: Citizen of Texas":
vol. 56: 68. John L.
"Clyde's Yesterdays": vol. 54:
82. Mrs. John Berry.
"'Coin' Harvey's Ozark Trails Association:
Early Road Markers Preserved in Texas": vol. 85: 168. Marilyn
John D. Berry": vol. 45: 72.
C. Richard King.
"Colonel B. H. Grierson's Administration of the District of the
Pecos": vol. 38: 85.
Frank M. Temple.
"Colonel B. H. Grierson's Victorio Campaign":
vol. 35: 99. Frank M.
"Colonel Charles Anderson Opposed Secession in San Antonio":
vol. 29: 67. Colonel M.
L. Crimmins.
- "Colonel John Moore's 1840 Indian Fight on the Colorado: Correcting History": vol. 95: 73. James B. Hays.
"Colonel Morgan Jones: Master Builder of Texas Railroads":
vol. 44: 15. Vernon G.
"Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie's Expedition Across the South
Plains": vol. 38: 3.
Ernest Wallace.
"Colonel William S. Fisher, Patriot and Soldier of the Republic of
Texas": vol. 67: 64.
Joseph Milton Nance.
"Colonization of the Spur Farm Lands":
vol. 31: 41. J. E. Ericson.
"Colorado City, the Cattlemen's Capital":
vol. 19: 36. Mrs. J. Lee
Jones and Rupert N. Richardson.
"Columbus and the Historical Consequences of l492 for West Texas":
vol. 68: 44. Elam H.
"Comanche Invasion of Mexico in the Fall of 1845, The":
vol. 35: 3. Ralph A.
"Comanche Reservation in Texas, The":
vol. 5: 47. R. N.
"Comanche Sun Over Mexico, The":
vol. 46: 25. Ralph A. Smith.
"Comanche, Kiowa, and Cheyenne Campaign in Northwest Texas and
MacKenzie’s Fight in the Palo Duro Canyon, September 26, 1874,
The": vol. 5: 128.
Charles A. P. Hatfield, Colonel U.S. Army retired.
"Comanches on the White Man's Road, The":
vol. 29: 3. Ernest
to Newcastle, the Birmingham of the Southwest":
vol. 31: 3. Floyd F.
Ewing, Jr.
of Agriculture to Dallam County, The":
vol. 13: 105. W. D.
"Conflicts Over Land: The Settler and the Rancher in West Texas":
vol. 50: 61. Wilson E.
Dolman, III.
Chaotic Waters: The Canadian River, 1918-1941": vol. 89: 75.
Margaret Bickers.
"Contributions by Junior Historians":
vol. 30: 155. Anetta
Boyett And Elizabeth Ann Maxwell.
"Controversy over the Incorporation of Impact, Texas, The":
vol. 49: 114. F. P.
"Converting History into Fiction":
vol. 48: 85. Elmer Kelton.
Mining in West Texas: Early Interest and Development":
vol. 30: 17. Floyd E. Ewing, Jr.
"Coronado’s Step-Children: Social Life in the Early South Plains":
vol. 9: 60. H. B.
"Coronado--From the Rio Grande to the Concho":
vol. 35: 66. J. W.
"Coronado's Route Across the Staked Plains":
vol. 20: 3. W. C. Holden.
"Coronado's Route to Quivira: ‘The Greater Weight of the Credible
Evidence’": vol. 42: 137.
R. M. Wagstaff.
Stays to Cattle Ranching: Charles K. Warren and the Muleshoe
Ranch, From": vol. 51: 3.
David J. Murrah.
"Cottonwood Spring: Its Significance":
vol. 47: 78. Kenneth F.
Courthouses of Oscar Ruffini, Architect" vol. 75:
63. Susan Karina Dickey.
"The Cowboy Earl in England: The Earl of
Aylesford's Mysterious Past": vol. 83: 130. Jim Fenton.
Remedies on the Trail": vol. 41:
31. Dr. Esther Jane Wood Hall.
Strike of 1883: Its Causes and Meaning, The":
vol. 47: 32. Robert E. Zeigler.
"Cowboy, Product of His Environment, The":
vol. 31: 83. Edward L.
"Cowboy--Origin and Early Use of the Term":
vol. 63: 91. James
"Cowboys and Bandidos: Authority and Race in
West Texas, 1913-1918": vol. 85: 7. Miguel A. Levario.
"Cowboys and Buckaroos: Two Faces of the Same Figure":
vol. 64: 107. Lawrence
"Cows Have Calves: The Hesitant Beginning and
Remarkable Career of Cowboy, Cattleman, Rancher George Washington
Littlefield": vol. 89: 8. David B. Gracy.
"Crime and Punishment in Early San Angelo": vol. 84:
31. Shirley Eoff.
County's Year Old Baby: Julian Bassett and the Development of
Crosbyton, Texas": vol. 62: 43.
Jan Blodgett.
"Crosssroads on the Dance Floor":
vol. 66: 147. Michael Adams.
Family of Hamlin, Texas--1940-1945, The":
vol. 69: 89. Thomas J.
"Crucial Role of Prairie Coal, The":
vol. 57: 3. Ralph A.
N. Ray: The Abilene Man": vol.
55: 17. Duane Kendall Hale
Articles starting with "D"
- "D. A. Nance and the Tonkawa
Indians": vol. 28: 87. Berta Hart Nance.
"D. W. Wallace ("80 John"); A Negro
Cattleman on the Texas Frontier": vol. 28: 113. Contributed by R.
C. Crane.
"Dallas Scarborough: Abilene Attorney and
Civic Leader":
vol. 86: 53.
Caraway, John.
"`Dan’s the Man,’ `Me for Ma,’ and
`Lynch is a Cinch’: The Gubernatorial Election of 1926 in Texas":
vol. 55: 37. Norman D. Brown.
"Dashed Hopes and Gained Opportunities:
Mexican American Education Experiences in Lubbock, Texas from
the 1920s through the 1960s": vol. 83: 67. Scott Sosebee.
"Dave J. Neill and the Farmers'
Union": vol. 40: 98. C. Richard King.
"David G. Burnet's Letters
Describing the Comanche Indians, with an Introduction": vol. 30:
115. Ernest Wallace.
"Days of Departed Glory--San Angelo
as a Former Railroad Center": vol. 48: 3. Robert E. Byrns.
"'Dear Carl, Dear Ralph:' Correspondence of
an Uncommon Friendship": vol. 84: 153. Garna Christian.
"'Dear Sam...' The Letters of an Old Army Scout: Jack Stilwell to Sigmund
Schlesinger": vol. 74:75.
Clint Chambers.
"Decade of the Country Editor:
1954-1964, A": vol. 62: 52. Eugene W. Jones.
"Dedication: J. Conrad Dunagan":
vol. 62: 141. Diana Davids Olien and Roger M. Olien.
"Description of the Comanche Indians
in 1786 by the Governor of Texas, A": vol. 37: 177. Translated and
Edited by Odie B. Faulk.
"Description of the Route from San
Antonio to El Paso by Captain Edward S. Meyer, A": vol.49: 128.
Edited by Escal F. Duke.
"Desegregation in West Texas: The
United States v. ISD Case": vol. 69: 59. Bryan L. Smith.
"Desertion and Race in the Llano Estacado:
The Trial of William L. Umbles, Buffalo Solder": vol. 85: 153.
Jonathan B. Crider.
"Development of Grain Sorghums,
The": vol. 33: 45. J. Roy Quinby.
"Development of the Cotton
Stripper": vol. 50: 76. Lowell H. Carlson.
"Diary of William G. Deloach: A West
Texas Farmer, The": vol. 59: 108. Janet McCreedy Neugebauer.
"Differing Perceptions: Public
School Teachers and Mexican Students in Texas, 1910-1930": vol.
72: 119. Gene B. Preuss.
"Discipline and Turmoil in the Tenth
U.S. Cavalry": vol. 58: 103. Frank M. Temple.
"Discovery of Silver in West Texas,
The": vol. 54: 55. Paul Carlson.
"A Distinctive Legacy: Settlement Patterns of Fort Worth's
Hispanic Community": vol. 82:
35. Harold Rich.
- "Doans: The Birth and Death of a
Frontier Town": vol. 71: 84. Keith R. Owen.
"Documents Relating to West Texas
and Her Indian Troubles": vol. 1: 30. Marcy's Reconnaissance
Through Northern and Western Texas; Material Pertaining to the
Brazos River Frontier and Indian Life, 1850-1860; Locating the
Texas Indian Reservations (Parker's Notes); Report of the Post
Surgeon at the Post on the Clear Fork of the Brazos (Phantom Hill)
for 1852; Frontier Letters. Edited by Rupert N. Richardson.
"Dogs of War Unleashed: The Devil
Concealed in Men Unchained, The": vol. 73: 126. Joe Baulch.
"Dora Lynne Stokes: A West Texan's
Legacy to the Humanitarian-Idealism of the 1950's and 1960's":
vol. 71: 73. Clint E. Chambers.
"Dora Merrell Stroup: A Panhandle
Pioneer": vol. 68: 147. Darlene Bellinghausen.
"Double Murder in a Small West Texas Town":
vol. 85: 28. Christena Stephens.
"Dr. Preston E. Harrison: Pioneer
Trailblazer for Mental Health in West Texas": vol. 55: 49. Carol
Moore and Jane L. Winer.
"Dr. William Morrow Notson, the
First Historian of the Concho Country": vol. 49: 78. William Elton
"Driving Cattle into Old Mexico in
1864": vol. 13: 112. W. C. McGough.
"Drought and Texas Cities": vol. 40:
40. Thomas M. Hatfield.
"Drought in the Heart of Texas, 1864-1865": vol. 84:
58. Kevin Sweeney.
"Drought in Runnels County:
1915-1918": vol. 40: 52. Glenn Smith.
"Drouth in West Texas, 1890-1894":
vol. 37: 121. Roy Sylvan.
"Drouth, History and Sociology":
vol. 48: 154. Roy Sylvan Dunn.
"Dugouts, Dooryards, Dirt Tanks and
Daffodils (Crosby County 1877-1936) ": vol. 57: 71. Pat Brown.
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