WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, Article Titles P - R
Below is an alphabetized list of
articles appearing in the West Texas Historical Association Yearbook:
Articles starting with "P"
- "Padgitts and Saddle Leather, The":
vol. 29: 33. James T. Padgitt.
- "Paint Rock Site and
Its Cultural Significance, The": vol. 40: 28. Charles M.
"Painted Rocks of Concho County,
Texas; A Forgotten National Monument, The": vol. 21: 57. Otto
"Panorama of Oscar Henry Cooper with
Emphasis on His West Texas Career, The": vol. 35: 142. Ralph T.
"Passing of the Frontier in Brown
County, The": vol. 8: 43. T. R. Havins.
"Pearl Nance, A Remarkable
Ranchwoman": vol. 74: 122.
Becky Matthews.
"Pecan Bayou Memories": vol. 51: 63.
James M. Day.
"Permian Basin--From Desert to
Energy Empire, The": vol. 50: 21. Frank B. Conselman.
"Peter W. Gravis on the Outside Row
of the Texas Frontier:" vol. 42: 41. James M. Day and T. R. Havins.
"Phantom Lion of Haskell, County,
Texas, The": vol. 65: 50. Mike Felker.
"Physical Barrier to Settlement on
the Western Cross Timbers Frontier, The": vol. 42: 51. B. P.
"Pioneer Surveyors": vol. 31: 75. R.
Ernest Lee.
"Pioneer Women in West Texas Skies:
Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II": vol. 70: 19. Henry
F. Snapp.
"Pioneer Women of West Texas in the
Early Twentieth Century": vol. 65: 78. Delmar Hayter.
"Pioneering In Politics On the
Plains": vol. 6: 94. Fred Cockrell.
"Pioneering in Range Conservation:
the Abilene Agriculture Experiment Station, 1898-1901": vol. 44:
145. Juanita Daniel Zachry.
"Pioneering in the Concho Country:
Rich Coffey": vol. 50: 117. Bishop Powell.
"Pioneering of the Texas and
Pacific": vol. 12: 124. John R. Hutto.
"Pioneers in No Man's Land": vol.
18: 24. Oscar A. Kinchen.
"Pioneers Laid to Rest": vol. 2: 85.
Frank Grimes.
"Plunder at Laredo, 1842, and the T.
J. Green--Sam Houston Quarrel": vol. 46: 3. James M. Day.
"Polio, 1946--The Story of One
Family's Struggle as Told Through the Eyes of a Mother and Her
Daughter": vol. 73: 62. Linda Mason Dunn.
"Poor Mexico, So Far From God and So
Close to the Tejanos": vol. 44: 78. Ralph A. Smith.
"Population Study of Tom Green
County, 1880, A": vol. 52: 49. Escal F. Duke.
"Possibilities in the Field of West
Texas History": vol. 6: 170. C. C. Rister.
"Possibilities of Literature in
Local History": vol. 1: 25. W.C. Holden.
"Pre-Flights on Tech Campus: Texas Tech's
World War II Pre-Flight Pilots (1943-1944)": vol. 83: 19. John
W. McCullough.
- "Post Training School: The Result of Two Idealists, The": vol. 71: 59. Valeriano Cantu.
- "Practice Makes Perfect: Reflections on the Home Management House Program
at Texas Technological College": vol. 91: 8. B. Lynn Whitfield
"Preliminary Guide to the Study of
Buffalo Trails in Texas, A": vol. 36: 137. James M. Day.
"Preserving the History of Our
Pioneers": vol.3: 13. J. Marvin Hunter.
"Presidential Address: A Twentieth
Century Chase for the White Buffalo": vol. 71: 174. Jack Loftin.
"Presidential Address: Texas Women
Writers and Their `Usable Past’": vol. 72: 201. Lou H. Rodenberger.
"Presidential Address": vol. 61:
151. Robert E. Byrns.
"Press in the Development of West
Texas, The": vol. 24: 64. R. C. Crane.
"'Prisoners Among Prisoners:' Conflicts at
Camp Barkeley, Texas": vol. 85: 217. Ruth Ann Shirley.
"Prisoners of War at Camp Berkeley":
vol. 61: 134. James Myers.
"Problem of Stealing on the Spur
Ranch, The": vol. 8: 25. W. C. Holden.
"Progenitor of the Mustang, The":
vol. 26: 3. J. Frank Dobie.
"Prohibition Campaign of 1911": vol.
18: 92. Sybal Hazel.
"A Promise Kept: The Canadian River Municipal
Water Authority":
vol. 81: 19. Rusty Hawkins.
"Prophet from Abilene, The": vol.
48: 37. Charles H. Marler.
"Prospecting in Western History":
vol. 40: 3. Joe B. Frantz.
"Public Policy and the Mexican
Italians of El Paso County, Texas, 1880-1920": vol. 68: 25.
Valentine J. Belfiglio.
- "Publications in West Texas History": vol. 90: 160. [Editor] Austin Allison.
- "Publications in West Texas History": vol. 91: 159. [Editor] Katelin Dixon.
- "Publications in West Texas History": vol. 92: 182. [Editor] Austin Allison.
- "Publications in West Texas History": vol. 95: 149. [Editor] Austin Allison.
"Puffing Along the Santa Fe with
Conductor John B. Davenport": vol. 49:28. Robert E. Byrns.
"Purchasing Land and Sharing in
Church Affairs in North Texas in 1888: Excerpts from the Diary of
George F. Leclerc III": vol. 44: 122.
Articles starting with "Q"
"Quest for a National Park in Texas,
The": vol. 50: 47. John R. Jameson.
Articles starting with "R"
- "R. F. Tankersley and Family,
Pioneers of the Concho Country": vol. 20: 99. Grace Bitner.
- "Rabid
Advocates for Fair Play in Football: H. J. Lutcher Stark and L.
Theo Bellmont's Vision Becomes the Southwest Conference": vol.
87: 153. Karla
J. Chapman, PeeWee Roberson and Stacy A. Jacob.
"Rag Town Life in the West Texas Oil
Fields": vol. 61: 15. Diana Davids Olien.
"Railroad That Refused to Die: The
Gulf, Texas and Western Railway, The": vol. 65: 61. Bob Burton.
"Railroad Through Spur, The": vol.
73: 113. Bob Burton.
"Railroading Along the Concho: A
History of the Concho, San Saba, and Llano Valley Railroad
Company": vol. 38: 154. James M. Day.
"Railroads and Community Rivalries;
Chapters from the Inside Story of the Orient and Santa Fe in West
Texas": vol. 19: 3. R. C. Crane.
"Rainey-Jester Campaign for the
Governorship, The": vol. 30: 30. S. S. Mckay.
"Ralph A. Smith: Gentleman,
Educator, Scholar": vol. 72: 177. Duane K. Hale 177-192.
"Ralph A. Smith": vol. 65: 139.
"Ranald S. Mackenzie: The Man and
His Battle": vol. 64: 140. Soren W. Nielsen.
"Rancher, The Printer & The Tycoon,
The. J. Evetts Haley, Carl Hertzog & Houston Harte on the Trail of
West Texas History": vol. 69: 121. Al Lowman.
"Ranching on the Pecos at the Turn
of the Twentieth Century": vol. 53: 127. Ivan Murchison as Told to
K. F. Neighbours.
"Ranger and the First West Texas
Drilling Boom": vol. 58: 49. Richard Mason.
"Rath City": vol. 24: 40. Naomi H.
"Real "Anabasis of Captain" Robson,
The": vol. 48: 123. Ernestine P. Sewell.
"Recent Publications of Interest to
West Texans": vol. 70: 174. JoDee Dyreson and Freedonia H.
"Recent Publications of Interest to
West Texans": vol. 71: 182. JoDee Dyreson and Freedonia H.
"Recent Publications of Interest to
West Texans": vol. 72: 209. Jodella K. Dyreson and Freedonia H.
"Recent Publicatons of Interest to
West Texans": vol. 69: 168.
"Recollections of B. F. Gholson":
vol. 17: 108. As Told to J. A. Rickard.
"Record of Engagement with Hostile
Indians in Texas, 1868-1882": vol. 9: 101.
"Recording West Texas Lands: The
Role of the General Land Office": vol. 62: 29. Michael Q. Hooks.
"Red-Haired `Indian’ Raiders on the
Texas Frontier": vol. 61: 88. Doyle Marshall.
"Religion at Texas Tech: Toward the
Separation of Church and State": vol. 66: 139. Ronald W. Jones.
"Reminiscences of Lydia Louise
Mooar": vol. 45: 171. Edited by Jimmy M. Skaggs.
"Removal of Indians From Texas in
1853; A Fiasco": vol. 20: 86. Rupert N. Richardson.
"Rendezvous at the Alamo: The Place
of Bowie, Crockett and Travis in Texas History": vol. 63: 5. J.
Milton Nance.
- "Replacing the I-35 Bias with an I-20 Bias: The Landmark Work of Richardson,
Holden, and Wallace": vol. 90: 47. David Murrah.
"Report of Captain R. B. Marcy on
His Exploration of Indian Territory and Northwest Texas": vol. 14:
116. Introduction by R. C. Crane.
"Reprint of a Portion of Captain R.
B. Marcy's Reconnoissance on the Headwaters of the Red River in
1852. Found in Senate Ex. Doc. 33d Congress, 1st Session": vol. 3:
"Resurrecting the Western Hero: The
Case of James A. Brock": vol. 72: 7. Ty Cashion.
"Retracing the Butterfield Trail":
vol. 9: 97. W. A. Riney.
"Reverse Migration in West Texas":
vol. 39: 3. Floyd F. Ewing, Jr.
"Review of the Work of the West
Texas Historical Association. A": vol. 15: 150. John R. Hutto.
"Reynolds Presbyterian Academy and
College": vol. 27: 78. Ruby Mcgill Dodge.
"Riddle of the Big Country’s Stone
Maps Remains Unsolved": vol. 74:
15 Duane K. Hale.
"Rio Grande City: Prelude to the
Brownsville Raid": vol. 57: 118. Garna L. Christian.
"Robert Crawford Cotner": vol. 57:
99. Joseph Milton Nance.
"Robert Cypret Parrack, Buffalo
Hunter and Fence Cutter": vol. 21: 29. W. C. Holden.
"Robert E. Lee in Texas: Letters and
Diary": vol. 8: 3. Colonel M. L. Crimmins.
"Robert E. Lee's Expedition in the
Upper Brazos and Colorado Country": vol. 13: 53. R. C. Crane.
"Robert E. Nail": vol. 45: 191.
Katharyn Duff.
"Robert S. Neighbors and the
Founding of Texas Indian Reservations": vol. 31: 65. Kenneth F.
"Robson's Journey Through West
Texas in 1879": vol. 20: 109. J. W. Williams.
"Roby Gets a Railroad": vol. 52: 71.
B. W. Aston.
"Rocking Chair Ranch": vol. 16: 141.
Frances Templeton-Walker.
- "Romance of the Range, The": vol. 5: 3. Edward Everett Dale.
- "Romance of Marty Robbins and El Paso, The": vol. 95: 8. Garna Christian.
"Ronnie Gill, Log Cabin Builder: A
Study in Material Folklore": vol. 62: 98. Lawrence Clayton.
"Ropesville Resettlement Project,
The": vol. 25: 87. Vernon C. Stafford.
- "Roscoe P. Conlking: The Man Who Tracked the Butterfield Overland Mail": vol. 92: 41. Barbara A. Brannon.
"Route of the Great Western (Dodge
City) Cattle Trail, The": vol. 41: 131. Jimmy M. Skaggs.
"Roy Bean,
Temple Houston, Bill Longley, Ranald Mackenzie, Buffalo Bill
Jr., and the Texas Rangers: Depictions of West Texans in Series
Television, 1955-1967": vol. 89: 102. Billy Hathorn.
"Royston Campbell Crane": vol. 32:
149. Marvin E. Burgess.
"Rufus Kitchens: A Twentieth Century
Circuit Rider": vol. 57: 47. Donald W. Whisenhunt.
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