WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, Article Titles S - T
Below is an alphabetized list of
articles appearing in the West Texas Historical Association Yearbook:
Articles starting with "S"
- "S. D. Myres and the Myres Saddle
Company of Sweetwater": vol. 36: 116. Sandra L. Myres.
- "S. E. (Jack)
Stilwell and the Court-Martial of William H. Beck": vol. 68: 76.
Clint E. Chambers.
"S. H. Newman: Editor of the Lone
Star of El Paso, Texas": vol. 14: 14. J. L. Waller.
"Saga of Barbed Wire in the Tom
Green Country, The": vol. 4: 32. By R.D. Holt.
"Saga of Camp Cooper, The": vol. 56:
14. Rupert N. Richardson.
"Saga of the Stone Ranch, The": vol.
65: 70. Lawrence Clayton.
"Sam Houston and Thomas J. Rusk":
vol. 31: 15. Llerena Friend.
"Samuel Thomas "Booger Red" Privett:
Cowboy, Showman, and Early Rodeo Pioneer": vol. 72: 142. Boyd
"San Angelo and the
Boer War": vol. 89: 124. Kevin Thornton.
Angelo Army Air Field Bombardier School: Military and Civilian
Interaction in World War": vol. 82:
7. Shirley M. Eoff
Angelo Horses Across America":
vol. 88: 43. Lewis, Preston.
"San Angelo's Street Cars": vol. 55:
87. Robert E. Byrns.
"San Antonio--El Paso Mail, C.S.A.,
The": vol. 58: 77. Wayne R. Austerman.
"The San Sabá Presidio and Spain's Frontier
Policy in North America": vol. 83: 7. José Manuel Serrano
Álvarez and Allan J. Kuethe.
"Sand Tables and One Eyed Cat:
Experiences of Two Rural School Teachers": vol. 56: 80. Lou
"Sandstone Sentinels": vol. 34: 112.
Joan Farmer.
"Santa Anna and the Aftermath of San
Jacinto": vol. 11: 56. R. C. Crane.
"Santa Anna and the Santa Anna
Mountains": vol. 11: 47. Rupert N. Richardson.
"Say It Ain't So or History à
la The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance":
vol. 81: 102. Owens, Keith.
"School Land Rushes in West Texas":
vol. 10: 42. R. D. Holt.
"Searching for Meaning in the 'Llano Estacado":
vol. 81: 90. Hoover, Sandy.
"Second Dragoon Indian Campaign in
Texas, The": vol. 21: 50. Colonel M. L. Crimmins.
- "Second Lieutenant Henry 0. Flipper:
A Negro Officer on the Texas Frontier": vol. 47: 20. Donald R.
- "The
Second Santa Fe Expedition: Jacob Snively and the Mission to
Disrupt New Mexico Commerce in 1843": vol. 82:
23. Troy Ainsworth
"Securing Land From the State in
West Texas": vol. 35: 125. J. B. Cotton.
"Seminole Incident and Tom Ross,
The": vol. 56: 133. Weston A. Pettey.
"Services of Charles Demorse in the
Constitutional Convention of 1875, The": vol. 15: 128. Ernest
"Seth Shepard McKay": vol. 45: 183.
Ernest Wallace.
"Settlement of Hall County, The":
vol. 18: 72. John Thomas Duncan.
"Settlement of the Indian Troubles
in West Texas, 1874-1875, The": vol. 1: 3. R.C. Crane.
"Shafter’s Explorations in Western
Texas, 1875": vol. 9: 82. Contributed by Col. M. L. Crimmins.
"Sheep Industry in Sterling County,
The": vol. 27: 32. Harold M. Gober.
"Sheepherders and Cowboys: A
Comparison of Life-Styles in West Texas": vol. 58: 19. Paul H.
"Sheepmen-Cattlemen Antagonisms on
the Texas Frontier": vol. 18: 10. T. R. Havins.
"Showdown Between Dorothy
Scarborough and Judge R.C. Crane, The": vol. 62: 5. Sylvia Grider.
"Sibley in New Mexico; the Journal
of William Henry Smith, With": vol. 27: 111. Contributed by Walter
A. Faulkner.
"Signers of the Texas Declaration of
Independence--Then What": vol. 55: 100. Elmer Kelton.
- "Silent Wings and Subtle Legacy: Lubbock's Forgotten Glider Base": vol. 92: 10.
Jennifer L. Paxton.
"Silver Boom of Brown County in
1879, The": vol. 54: 65. Duane K. Hale.
Everett 'Jack' Stillwell: Teamster, Hunter, Frontier Scout,
Cowboy, Lawman and Judge": vol. 87: 84.
Chambers, Clint E.
"Six-Man Football Comes to Texas: The Fisher
County Six-Man Football League of 1936:" vol. 86: 62. Thomas L.
"Sleuthing the Mysteries of West Texas'
Spider Rocks Treasure": vol. 85: 108. Bill Townsley.
"Social Activities of the
Southwestern Cowboy": vol. 7: 40. C. C. Rister.
"Social Conditions in Texas in the
Eighteen Seventies": vol. 14: 32. S. S. McKay.
"Soldier of the Texas Frontier:
Brevet Major Robert Patterson Wilson, United States Army, A": vol.
34: 82. Aubrey A. Wilson.
"Soldiers and Surgeons: Army Medical
Practice at Fort Concho, Texas, 1867-1889": vol. 69: 45. John
"Some Amusements and Home, Remedies
in West Texas": vol. 13: 49. Leon Guinn.
"Some Attitudes of West Texas
Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1875": vol. 5: 109.
S. S. McKay.
"Some Civil War Letters of D. Port
Smythe": vol. 37: 147. John Thomas Duncan, Editor.
"Some Early Activities Around
Mobeetie": vol. 12: 45. G. C. Boswell.
"Some Early Runnels County History,
1858-1885": vol. 42: 111. Glenn Smith.
"Some Evidences of Humor on the
Western Frontier": vol. 54: 10. Lawrence Clayton.
"Some Experiences of a Pioneer
Surveyor": vol. 6: 80. C. U. Connellee.
"Some Experiences of a West Texas
Lawyer": vol. 18: 33. Ellis Douthit.
"Some Experiences of Baptists on the
Texas Frontier": vol. 36: 51. Zane Mason.
"Some Experiments of C. W. Post in
West Texas": vol. 15: 22. Charles Dudley Eaves.
"Some Explanatory Origins in
Comanche Folklore": vol. 23: 62. Ernest Wallace.
"Some Living Conditions at Forts in
the American Southwest": vol.
74:104. Donathan Taylor.
"Some Makers of West Texas History
Claimed by Death": vol. 6: 177.
"Some Medieval Contributions to the American
Southwest: Animal, Environmental, and Vegetable": vol. 84:
138. Jack Becker.
"Some New Mexico--West Texas
Relationships, 1541-1841": vol. 14: 92. H. Bailey Carroll.
"Some Northwest Texas Trails After
Butterfield": vol. 42: 59. Mrs. Virgil Johnson and J. W. Williams.
"Some Notes on Two Promoters'
Railroads": vol. 41: 20. Joseph A. Noble.
"Some Notes On West Texas History":
vol. 17: 125. R. C. Crane.
"Some Observations on the Cattle
Industry": vol. 5: 134. J. Wright Mooar.
"Some Recent Books by West Texans,
or Dealing with West Texas": vol. 15: 154. R. C. Crane.
"Some Thoughts on Frontier Religion
in Texas After the Civil War": vol. 57: 34. Zane Mason.
"'Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Lose,
Sometimes it Rains': Major League Baseball Comes to Abilene,
vol. 86: 42. Robert Fink.
"Sorosis Club of Sweetwater, Texas,
1899-1950, The": vol. 26: 76. Mamie D. Crane.
"South Plains and Our Indian
History, The": vol. 12: 34. Frank P. Hill.
"South Plains and 'Southern-ness',
The": vol.
88: 145. Williams, Stuart.
"South Plains Cooperative Hospital,
Amherst, Texas, The": vol. 26: 35. W. D. Kay.
"Southern Overland Mail, Conveyor of
News, 1857-1861, The": vol. 34: 25. Rupert N. Richardson.
"Southern Plains and the Expansion
of the Cotton Kingdom, The": vol. 56: 35. James Smallwood.
"The Southwest Collection: 50 Years
in the Saddle": vol. 74: 172 Tai Kreidler.
"Southwest Collection Update: A
Decade Report": vol. 53: 121. Michael Q. Hooks.
"Southwest Collection: A Regional
Depository, The": vol. 43: 144. Roy Sylvan Dunn.
"Southwest Collection: New
Materials, New Directions, The": vol. 63: 171. Cindy Martin.
"Spanish `Piece’ Policy in West
Texas, The": vol. 68: 7. Ralph A. Smith.
"Spanish Exploration and Settlement
of West Texas Before the 18th Century": vol. 2: 64. W. A.
"Spanish West Texas, 1735-1769":
vol. 7: 95. Gladys Collins.
"Speculator as a Promoter and
Developer of Irrigation on the Texas High Plains, 1910-1920, The":
vol. 46: 187.
"Spur Ranch Diary, 1887, A": vol. 7:
68. Edited by W. C. Holden.
"Squarely Fought: Fort Concho and
the Campaign Against Victorio, 1880": vol. 69: 34. Jim Matthews.
"Stage-Coaching in the Concho
Country": vol. 10: 58. R. C. Crane.
"Standing Proud from a Buckskin Line to
Jericho's Road": vol. 83: 148. Lewis Tolland.
"Statistical Study of the Drouth of
1886, A": vol. 21: 85. J. W. Williams.
"Storming of San Antonio De Bexar in
1835, The": vol. 22: 95. Col. M. L. Crimmins.
"Story of "Block No. 97, The": vol.
5: 125. A. C. Wilmeth.
"Story of Benficklin, First County
Seat of Tom Green County, Texas, The": vol. 22: 27. Mary Bain
"Story of William Davies: Texas
Shepherd, The": vol. 58: 29. Arthur H. Jones.
"Stribling and Kirkland of Fort
Griffin": vol. 32: 55. Eula Haskew.
"Suggestions for the Observance in
West Texas of the Civil War Centennial": vol. 36: 33. Floyd F.
Ewing, Jr.
"Surface Water in West Texas": vol.
43: 44. Naomi H. Kincaid.
"Survey of the Stagecoach Mail in
the Trans-Pecos, 1850-1861, A": vol. 47: 115. Jack C. Scannell.
"Sweetwater Meeting, The": vol. 8:
136. John R. Hutto.
"A Syrian Immigrant in West
Texas": vol. 82:
170. J'Nell Pate.
Articles starting with "T"
- "The T-Anchor Ranch and Fort Sill, Oklahoma Territory: The Cowboys and the Indians": vol. 81: 33. Brenda Haes.
- "A Tale of Baseball, Socialism, and Oil": vol. 95: 24. Steve Rossignol.
- "Tawehash in French, Spanish,
English, and American Imperial Affairs, The": vol. 28: 18. Ralph
"Taylor County and Its Name": vol.
30: 73. Jewel Davis Scarborough.
"T-Diamond Brand, The": vol. 22: 81.
John R. Hutto.
"Teddy Roosevelt in Texas, 1905":
vol. 56: 58. Edward Hake Phllips.
"Tejano Experience in Six Texas
Regions, The": vol. 65: 36. Arnoldo De Leon.
"Tejano History Scholarships: A
Review of the Recent Literature": vol. 61: 116. Arnoldo De Leon.
- "Tejanos in Northwest Texas: Rural Folks or Urbanites?": vol. 86: 8. Arnoldo De Leon.
- "Tex Thornton: King of the Oil Well Firefighters": vol. 91: 28. Bobby D. Weaver.
"Texas Background--Spanish Or
American?, The ": vol. 52: 61. Paul H. Carlson.
"Texas Cotton Acreage Control Law of
1931 and Mexican Repatriation": vol. 59: 143. Bob Mckay.
"Texas Had Hot County Elections":
vol. 24: 3. R. D. Holt.
"Texas Marriage Bond, The": vol. 46:
112. Robert M. Wagstaff.
"Texas Martyr and His Successors,
A": vol. 33: 49. C. A. Beesley.
"The Texas Mohair Industry and the Seven Year
Drought of the 1950's": vol. 84: 74. John Caraway.
"Texas Rancher in Colorado: The Last
Years of John Hittson, A": vol. 42: 28. Charles Kenner.
"Texas Senatorial Campaign of 1948,
The": vol. 33: 31. S. S. Mckay.
"Texas Sheep Boom": vol. 28: 3. T.
R. Havins.
"Texas State Archives, The": vol.
36: 41. Dorman H. Winfrey.
"Texas State Democratic Convention
of 1878, The": vol. 12: 3. S. S. McKay.
"Texas Tech Museum and Its Director,
The": vol. 45: 85. Lola Beth Green.
"The Texas Tech School of Black
History: an Overview": vol. 82:
102. Bruce A. Glasrud and James
M. Smallwood.
"Texas Technological College Artist
Course: A Cultural Beacon on the Plains of West Texas, 1925-1930,
The": vol. 68:134. Paul F. Cutter.
"Texas, Veterans, and Land": vol.
33: 17. Thomas L. Miller.
"Texas: La Terre Promise": vol. 73:
11. Robert Robertson.
- "Theft by Revolver, Nitroglycerine, and Fountain Pen: Robberies and Embezzlements at the Stockyards National Bank":
vol. 95: 64. T. Lindsay Baker.
- "'There’s No Place Like Home'--West Texas Home Cures and Folk Remedies": Vol. 74:92. Linda Mason Dunn.
- "Thomas A. Hickey: Texas Socialist and Oilman": vol. 66: 129. Robert W. Clark.
- "'Thou art a priest forever...': The Early Priests that Shaped Nazareth,
Texas": vol. 90: 103. Christena Stephens.
"Threatened Mutiny of Soldiers at
Fort Stockton in 1873 Resulted in Penitentiary Sentences, A": vol.
52: 78. Clayton W. Williams.
"Tigua Indians of the Pueblo De
Ysleta Del Sur, El Paso County, Texas, The": vol. 45: 30. Alan H.
"Today's Cowboy: Coping with a
Myth": vol. 60: 178. Lawrence Clayton.
"Tonkawa Scouts and Guides": vol.
49: 90. Kenneth F. Neighbours.
"Tour of Duty: The West Texas Service of
Stephen Carpenter": vol. 85: 193. James Collett.
Ancient Beasts: The Saga of the Glen Rose Dinosaur Footprints": vol.
87: 35.
Patrick Crawford.
"Trail Blazing Pioneers of West
Texas are Passing Away, The": vol. 5: 137. R. C. Crane.
"Trail Life": vol. 44: 106. William
Box Hancock.
"The Train Crash at Crush, Texas":
vol. 81: 124. Scott, David.
"Transportation, Supplies, and
Quarters for the West Texas Frontier Under the Federal Military
System, 1848-1861": vol. 5: 95. Arrie Barrett.
"Trials and Tribulations of a
Country Doctor": vol. 24: 47. Jefferson Davis Davis.
"Trials and Tribulations: Lubbock's
Municipal Bands After World War I": vol. 67: 31. Paul Cutter.
"Tribute to a Texan, Walter Prescott
Webb": vol. 39: 93. Lyle C. Brown.
"Tribute, A": vol. 65: 137. Mrs.
John Berry.
"Trip to California in 1850, A":
vol. 31: 111. Charles Padgitt.
"True Blue, The": vol. 36: 176. C.
Richard King.
"Twenty-Fifth Regiment at Fort
Mcintosh: Precursor to Retaliatory Racial Violence, The": vol. 55:
149. Garna L. Christian.
"Twice Decorated for Gallantry and
Distinguished Conduct: Sergeant William Wilson and the Medal of
Honor": vol. 71: 96. Jim Matthews.
- "Two Essays on Elmer Kelton": vol. 95: 86. Lewis Toland.
"Two Miners and Their Families in
the Thurber-Strawn Coal Mines, 1905-1918": vol. 45: 115. John N.
- "Two Worlds, One Big Pasture: Quanah Parker and Samuel Burk Burnett-The Social,
Economic, and Cultural Implications of Anglo/Indian Associations in the Oklahoma and Texas Borderlands": vol. 92: 67.
Christopher Freeman and John Hensley.
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