"U.S. Army in the Big Bend and the
Battle of Ojinaga, 1913-1914, The": vol. 66: 5. Earl Elam.
Mesquite, The": vol. 45: 76. Robert E. Byrns.
"Uncle John Marlin": vol. 4: 105.
John R. Hutto.
Ground: The Northwestern Frontier of Texas, 1846-1855": vol. 87:
Debbie Liles.
"Unionist Sentiment on the Northwest
Texas Frontier": vol. 33: 58. Floyd F. Ewing, Jr.
"United States-Mexican Border
Conflicts, 1870-1880": vol. 38: 175. J'nell Pate.
"Up in Arms: Local Protest vs. Placement of
Black CCC Camps in West Texas": vol. 83: 96. Keith J. Volanto.
"Up the Trail in '93": vol. 63: 101.
Edward Hake Philipps.
"U. S. Army Primary Helicopter School, Fort
Wolters, Texas 1956-1973": vol. 83: 55. Wes J. Sheffield.
"Using the Testimony of S.E.
Stilwell in The United States vs. The State of Texas to Scout the
Life of "Jack" Stilwell": vol. 67: 111. Clint E. Chambers.
"Uvalde and Eagle Pass: The
World War II Army Air Forces and Small West Texas Towns": vol.
131. William McWhorter.
"W. W. Johnson and the Beginnings of
Coal Mining in the Strawn-Thurber Vicinity, 1880-1888": vol. 44:
48. Robert William Spoede.
"W. P. Soash and the 'Great American Desert'":
vol. 81: 156. Kuhlman, Marty.
"W. P. Soash on the Urban Frontier
of West Texas": vol. 48: 19. Joe R. Baulch.
"W. B. Mitchell and Highland
Herefords": vol. 66: 118. Judith A. Parsons.
"Wagon Trains and Cattle Herds on
the Trail in the 1850's": vol. 30: 141.
"Walkout Cabrones! The Uvalde School
Walkout of 1970": vol. 68: 122. Juan 0. Sanchez.
"Walter Dearing Cline": vol. 33: 71.
Louise Kelly.
"Walter Dibrell: Early Methodist
Circuit Rider in the Concho Basin": vol. 48: 111. Billy M. Jones.
"Walter Prescott Webb’s Expansive
Frontier": vol. 53: 73. Lynda Lasswell Crist.
"Walter R. Adams: Poet of Plum
Creek": vol. 59: 15. Kenneth F. Neighbours.
"The WASP Who Fell from the Sky":
vol. 81: 168. Lewis, Preston.
"Water Problem of the Matador Ranch,
The": vol. 20: 51. Averlyne M. Hatcher.
"Waxing and Waning of an Industry:
Candelilla Wax's Importance in the Big Bend Region, The": vol. 73:
70. JoAnn Pospisil.
"Welfare and Ranchers: The Emergency
Cattle Purchase Program and Emergency Work Relief Program in
Texas, 1934-1935": vol. 47: 3. Irvin May, Jr.
"Welfare League of Coleman County,
The": vol. 36: 187. Elizabeth Jean Gibson.
"West Texans Claimed by Death": vol.
9: 119.
"West Texas Agricultural and
Mechanical College Movement and the Founding of Texas
Technological College, The": vol. 7: 3. R. C. Crane.
"West Texas and Its Press as I Have
Known Them": vol. 18: 3. George S. Anderson.
"West Texas and Lubbock Music During
the Fifties: An Oral History, Part II": vol. 71: 118. Robert G.
"West Texas and Lubbock Music in the
Fifties": vol. 69: 7. Robert G. Weiner.
"West Texas and the Stock Market
Crash of 1929": vol. 55: 59. Donald W. Whisenhunt.
"West Texas Bone Business, The":
vol. 55: 111. Ralph A. Smith.
"West Texas Childhood, A": vol. 71:
127. By Zela Mae Cornelius Key. Editors. Ellen Ruth Key-Clark &
Edward Hake Phillips.
- "West Texas Delegates to the State Constitutional Convention of 1875": vol. 12: 56. Anne Hammons.
- "The West Texas Historical and Scientific Society: an Investigation": vol. 91: 71. Bruce A. Glasrud.
- "West Texas Historical Association, The": vol. 59: 3. Ernest Wallace.
- "West Texas Museum at San Angelo, The": vol. 10: 104. Mrs. M. K. Stevenson.
- "West Texas State During the War Years": vol. 88: 76. Marty Kuhlman.
- "West Texas Town Promoters: Charles Hamilton, W.E. Spencer, and the Building of Rotan: 1900-1920":
vol. 58: 142. Tai Kreidler.
- "West Texas Trail Blazers": vol. 22: 60. R. C. Crane.
- "West Texas Underground Frontier, 1870 To 1890, Settling the Land Six Feet Down, The": vol. 53: 18.
Ralph A. Smith.
- "West Texas Women: A Diverse Heritage and a Succession of Frontiers": vol. 72: 21. Harry F.
- "West Texas Women in Ranching: Myth and Reality": vol. 84: 49. Jean Stuntz.
- "West Texas, a Frontier that Walter Prescott Webb Missed": vol. 47: 47. Richard H. Moore.
- "West Texas: A Haven for Health
Seekers": vol. 42: 3. Billy M. Jones.
- "Western Cattle Trail in Coleman County, The": vol. 28: 96. Dick Reavis.
- "Western Frontier Forts of Texas": vol. 7: 115. Arrie Barrett.
- "Western Welfare: The Pauper System in West Texas, 1876 to 1930": vol. 90: 35. Joshua Logsdon.
"The Westerner Band and Seldom Inn:
Personal Recollections of Lubbock in the Thirties" vol. 74: 57. H.
Allen Anderson.
"What General Robert E. Lee’s
Generals Thought of Him": vol. 12: 95. Col. M. L. Crimmins.
"When Fact Becomes Legend: West
Texas Folk Heroes": vol. 67: 84. Rebecca Carnes.
"When 'Methodism Grew
Mightily:' The First One Hundred Years of the Northwest Texas
Conference of the United Methodist Church": vol. 85: 69. David
"When West Texas Was in the Making":
vol. 23: 46. R. C. Crane
"Where are
the Soldiers in Twentieth-Century Texas? A West Texas Community
Study": vol. 82:
52. Dana Cooper.
"Whither Regional Historical
Organization? ": vol. 73: 6. Frederick W. Rathjen.
"Who Was Saint-To-Hoodle Goombi?":
vol. 41: 103. Barbara Neal Ledbetter.
"Why Not a Band: The Early History
of the Bands in Lubbock, Texas, 1904-1909": vol. 60: 144. Paul F.
"Wildflowers, Grassburrs, and
Thorns: an Oil Refinery at Gorman": vol. 43: 126. C. Richard King.
"William Black and the Beginning of
the West Texas Angora Goat Industry": vol. 56: 3. Paul Carlson.
"William Curry Holden": vol. 54: 92.
David J. Murrah.
"William L. Black and the West Texas
Wool Industry": vol. 72: 130. Christie R. Wyse.
"William R. Shafter Commanding Black
Troops in West Texas": vol. 50: 104. Paul H. Carlson.
"William S. Ikard and Hereford
Raising in Texas": vol. 25: 39. Rupert N. Richardson.
"Winding Up a Pacific Railroad
Survey: Letters of Captain John Pope": vol. 31: 122.
"Wings Over West Texas: Pecos Army
Air Field in World War II": vol. 63: 42. James L. Colwell.
"With Albert Sidney Johnston in West
Texas: Austin to Fort Chadbourne, March 1855": vol. 40: 121.
Marilyn McAdams Sibley.
"Woman on the Buffalo Range: The
Journal of Ella Dumont, A": vol. 40: 146. Ernest Lee.
"Woodward or Wagstaff? West Texas
Authorship of the Water Priorities Act of 1931": vol. 72: 39.
Laura Anne Wimberley.
"Work Among Anglos and Hispanics in
the Big Bend, 1910": vol. 71: 21. Paul Wright.
"The World Heavyweight Boxing
Championship Bout, 1896, at Langtry, Texas":
vol. 74: 47 Steve
"World War I: The Letters of a
Country School Teacher to His Girl": vol. 72: 158. Russell Chatham.
"Writing of Regional History, The":
vol. 45: 161. David B. Gracy.
"Wylie, Taylor County, Texas": vol.
62: 130. Ann Y. Bond.