~ West Texas Historical Association ~

Dinner in the Company of Good Friends (2002)
Below are some images from Friday night dinner at the Windmill Museum in Lubbock, Texas, in 2002.  More pictures can be found on page 1.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

A scenic view greeted members as they arrived for the reception and dinner.




Dr. Grover E. Murray and ? listening to the main speaker.


Robert Hall and Brenda Haes greeting members as they enter the Windmill Museum.





Members in the line for the scrumptuous buffet.


A breathtaking West Texas sunset.






Dr. Kenneth Davis listening to the guest speaker.

Lunch with Atmosphere (2002)

Saturday lunch in the 6666 Barn at the Ranching Heritage Center.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

? and Tai Kreidler.

? and Brenda Haes enjoying dessert.

Darlene Bellinghaus and ?

Members applauding Robert Hall for arranging this year's meeting events.

Bruce Glasrud?







Brenda Haes and Frank Rathjen.

Lubbock's Musical Roots (2002)
Visiting an important Lubbock attraction- the Buddy Holly Museum.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.


H. Allen Anderson in the gift shop.


Mr. Roe reading the music timeline.

Mildred Wines.

Historic Lubbock (2002)
Visiting another important Lubbock attraction-  the Lubbock Lake Landmark Museum.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

H. Allen Anderson and other members on the bus.

A WTHA member entering one of the exhibit rooms.

One of the giant sculptures at the Landmark.

Travis Roberts, Jr.

Chris Waring.

Mari Sue Potts looking at one of the exhibits.


P.O. 41041
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas

Ph. 806-742-9076,


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