~ West Texas Historical Association ~

The Receptions (2008)
Below are some images from the receptions and dinners.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Cristina Valles, James E. Brink and Troy Ainsworth.

Robert Reitz, Frank Rathjen and Tom Crum.

Sam Prose and Mr. Prather.

Lewis Earl and friends.

Paul Carlson receives his Fellows Award plaque from Bruce Glasrud during the Saturday Business Luncheon.

 The Speakers, Presenters and Appreciative Audience (2008)
Below are some images from the 84th annual meeting of the West Texas Historical Association, which was held on the Hardin-Simmons University campus from March 30th-31st.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Bob Burton, Patricia Clark, Kregg Fehr, and Jim Matthews session dealt with the topic, "Technology and Innovations in West Texas."

Pat and Chuck Parsons each presented a paper in their session, "Violence, West Texas Style."

Lynn Whitfield, Robert Reitz, Holle Humphries and Troy Ainsworth made up a the entitled "Beyond the Alamo: How Do Other Artists, Architects, and Art Works Exemplify the Iconic Texas West ."

Marty Kuhlman, Marina Nemir and Peggy Elliott presented the session entitled, "WASPS; Communists."

A Scenic View (2008)
Aside from attending sessions on interesting West Texas topics, WTHA members participated in a tour of Palo Duro Canyon and the Panhandle-Plains Museum.

*Click on the images to view a larger version.

Doris Miller soaking up the rays.


P.O. 41041
Texas Tech University
 Lubbock, Texas

 Ph. 806-742-9076



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