WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, volumes 1-7
The West Texas Historical Association
Yearbook is published annually.
Volume 1, 1925
- Crane, R. C. "The Settlement of the
Indian Troubles in West Texas, 1874-1875": vol. 1: 3.
Holden, W. C. "Possibilities of
Literature in Local History": vol. 1: 25.
Richardson, Rupert N., editor.
"Documents Relating to West Texas and Her Indian Troubles": vol.
1: 30.
Marcy's Reconnaissance Through
Northern and Western Texas; Material Pertaining to the Brazos
River Frontier and Indian Life, 1850-1860; Locating the Texas
Indian Reservations (Parker's Notes); Report of the Post Surgeon
at the Post on the Clear Fork of the Brazos (Phantom Hill) for
1852; Frontier Letters.
Rister, Carl C. "Fort Griffin": vol.
1: 15.
Volume 2, 1926
- Howarth, Jacob. "Letter, Experiences
of an Ex-Soldier": vol. 2: 3.
Holden, W. C. "The Buffalo of the
Plains Area": vol. 2: 8.
Rister, C. C., editor. "Early
Accounts of Indian Depredations": vol. 2: 18.
Frontier Letters--Indian Troubles;
Newspaper Accounts of Indian Depredations from Flake's Daily
Bulletin, 1867, Austin Daily Republican, 1867, The San Antonio
Daily Express, 1870; Letter, Dishonest Traders, Sherman to Grant,
and Reports of Commanders of Department of Texas for 1871, 1872,
1873, and 1874.
Stephenson, W. A. "Spanish
Exploration and Settlement of West Texas Before the 18th Century":
vol. 2: 64.
Grimes, Frank. "Pioneers Laid to
Rest": vol. 2: 85.
Volume 3, 1927
- Richardson, R. N. "Jim Shaw, The
Delaware": vol. 3: 3.
Hunter, J. Marvin. "Preserving the
History of Our Pioneers": vol.3: 13.
Sherill, R. E. "Early Days in
Haskell County": vol. 3: 20.
Grace, Hybernia. "Historical Sketch
of Jones County": vol. 3: 30.
Ferrell, Mrs. C. C. "Early Days in
Stamford, Texas": vol. 3: 41.
"Frontier Experiences of Emmett
Roberts of Nugent, Texas": vol. 3: 43.
"Mrs. Malissa G. Everett, a Pioneer
Woman": vol. 3: 59.
"Reprint of a Portion of Captain R.
B. Marcy's Reconnaissance on the Headwaters of the Red River in
1852. Found in Senate Ex. Doc. 33d Congress, 1st Session": vol. 3:
Volume 4, 1928
- Thomas, A.B. "Yellowstone River,
James Long and Spanish Reaction to American Intrusion into Spanish
Dominions, 1818-1819, The": vol. 4: 3.
Holden, W.C. "Frontier Defense in
Texas During the Civil War": vol. 4: 16.
Holt, R.D. "Saga of Barbed Wire in
the Tom Green Country, The": vol. 4: 32.
McAllister, S. B. "Building the
Texas and Pacific Railroad West of Fort Worth": vol. 4: 50.
Webb, Walter Prescott. "Land and the
Life of the Great Plains, The": vol. 4:58.
Granberry, John C. "Making History
in West Texas": vol. 4: 86.
Mooar, J. Wright. "Frontier
Experiences of J. Wright Mooar": vol. 4: 89.
Chalk, Sam L. A letter written to R.
C. Crane. "Early Experiences in the Abilene Country": vol. 4: 93.
Crane, R. C. "Old Man Keeler": vol.
4: 100.
Hutto, John R. "Uncle John Marlin":
vol. 4: 105.
Richardson, R. N., editor.
"Eldredge’s Report on His Expedition to the Comanches": vol. 4:
Volume 5, 1929
- Dale, Edward Everett. "Romance of
the Range, The": vol. 5: 3.
Haley, J. Evetts. "Grass Fires of
the Southern Plains": vol. 5: 24.
Richardson, R. N. "Comanche
Reservation in Texas, The": vol. 5: 47.
Holden, W. C. "Immigration and
Settlement in West Texas": vol. 5: 72.
Barrett, Arrie. "Transportation,
Supplies, and Quarters for the West Texas Frontier Under the
Federal Military System, 1848-1861": vol. 5: 95.
McKay, S. S. "Some Attitudes of West
Texas Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1875": vol. 5:
Cockrell, Fred. "Making of the
Constitution of 1875, The": vol. 5: 116.
Wilmeth, A. C. "Story of `Block No.
97’, The": vol. 5: 125.
Hatfield, Charles A. P., Colonel,
U.S. Army retired. "Comanche, Kiowa, and Cheyenne Campaign in
Northwest Texas and MacKenzie’s Fight in the Palo Duro Canyon,
September 26, 1874, The": vol. 5: 128.
Mooar, J. Wright. "Some Observations
on the Cattle Industry": vol. 5: 134.
Crane, R. C. "Trail Blazing Pioneers
of West Texas are Passing Away, The": vol. 5: 137.
Sanders, George W. "Old Time Trail
Drivers of Texas": vol. 5: 142.
Volume 6, 1930
- Sheffy, L. F.
"Old Mobeetie--The Capital of the Panhandle": vol. 6: 3.
Smith, L. F.,
Col. "First Settlers and the Organization of Floyd, Hale, and Lubbock
Counties, The": vol. 6: 17.
Holden, W. C.
"Frontier Defense, 1846-1860": vol. 6: 35.
Holt, R. D.
"Introduction of Barbed Wire into Texas and the Fence Cutting War, The":
vol. 6: 65.
Connellee, C.
U. "Some Experiences of a Pioneer Surveyor": vol. 6: 80.
Fred. "Pioneering in Politics on the Plains": vol. 6: 94.
Mooar, J.
Wright. "First Buffalo Hunting in the Panhandle, The": vol. 6: 109.
Kinder, L. S.
"Chapter in the Life of Col. Chas. Goodnight, A": vol. 6: 112.
Crane, R. C.
"Early Days in Fisher County": vol. 6: 124.
Rister, C. C.
"Possibilities in the Field of West Texas History": vol. 6: 170.
"Some Makers
of West Texas History Claimed by Death": vol. 6: 177.
Volume 7, 1931
- Crane, R. C.
"West Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College Movement and the Founding of
Texas Technological College, The": vol. 7: 3.
Coleman, P.
C., Dr. "Experiences of a Pioneer Doctor": vol. 7: 35.
Rister, C. C. "Social Activities of
the Southwestern Cowboy": vol. 7: 40.
Dorothy. "Economic Phase of the Ranching Industry on the Spur Ranch, The":
vol. 7: 56.
Holden, W. C.,
editor. "Spur Ranch Diary, 1887, A": vol. 7: 68.
Gladys. "Spanish West Texas, 1735-1769": vol. 7: 95.
Arrie. "Western Frontier Forts of Texas": vol. 7: 115.
Tanner, H. B.,
Dr. "Charles Ulrich Connellee": vol. 7: 140.