WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, volumes 22-28
The West Texas Historical Association
Yearbook is published annually.
Volume 22, 1946
- Waller, J. L. "Civil War in the El
Paso Area, The": vol. 22: 3.
Kincaid, Naomi. "Founding of
Abilene, the `Future Great’ of the Texas and Pacific Railway,
The", vol. 22: 15.
Spence, Mary Bain. "Story of
Benficklin, First County Seat of Tom Green County, Texas, The":
vol. 22: 27.
Neill, Robert. T. "Bench and Bar of
Tom Green County in the Early Days, The": vol. 22: 47.
Crane, R. C. "West Texas Trail
Blazers": vol. 22: 60.
Williams, J. W. "New Evidence on
Moscoso's Approach to Texas": vol. 22: 69.
Hutto, John R. "T-Diamond Brand,
The": vol. 22: 81.
Crane, R. C. "Losses of the Texas
Public Schools and the University Through the Sale of Oil Lands":
vol. 22: 89.
Crimmins, Col. M. L. "Storming of
San Antonio De Bexar in 1835, The": vol. 22: 95.
Volume 23, 1947
- "Fort Elliott, Texas": vol. 23: 3.
Blackburn, Mrs. L. L. "Early
Settlers and Settlements of Callahan County": vol. 23: 13.
West, Jimmy. "Indian Episodes of
Callahan County": vol. 23: 21.
Hayne, Frank H. "Early Days in
Parmer County": vol. 23: 25.
Hunter, J. Marvin. "Lottie Deno I
Knew, The": vol. 23: 30.
Crimmins, Col. M. L. "General Nelson
A. Miles in Texas": vol. 23: 36.
Crane, R. C. "When West Texas Was in
the Making": vol. 23: 46.
Wallace, Ernest. "Some Explanatory
Origins in Comanche Folklore": vol. 23: 62.
Carrow, Catherine Ikard. "Amusements
for Men and Women in Texas in the 1880's": vol. 23: 77.
Williams, J. W., and Ernest Lee.
"Marcy's Exploration to Locate the Texas Indian Reservations in
1854": vol. 23: 107.
Volume 24, 1948
- Holt, R. D. "Texas Had Hot County
Elections": vol. 24: 3.
Kinchen, Oscar A. "Boom or Bust in
Southwest Kansas": vol. 24: 27.
Kincaid, Naomi H. "Rath City": vol.
24: 40.
Davis, Jefferson. "Trials and
Tribulations of a Country Doctor": vol. 24: 47.
Crane, R. C. "Press in the
Development of West Texas, The": vol. 24: 64.
Puryear, Lela D. "George Clarence
Wolffarth": vol. 24: 71.
Dunn, Robert W. "History of Loving
County, Texas, The": vol. 24: 93.
Volume 25, 1949
- Rister, Carl Coke. "Yates, an `Oil
Klondike’": vol. 25: 3.
Vernon, Mrs. Ida S. "Activities of
the Seguins in Early Texas History": vol. 25: 11.
Richardson, Rupert N. "William S.
Ikard and Hereford Raising in Texas": vol. 25: 39.
Cotner, Robert C. "Attorney General
Hogg and the Acceptance of the State Capitol: A Reappraisal": vol.
25: 50.
Crimmins, M. L., Col. "General
Randolph B. Marcy's Last Tour of Texas": vol. 25: 74.
Stafford, Vernon C. "Ropesville
Resettlement Project, The": vol. 25: 87.
"Franco-Texan Land Company, The":
vol. 25: 101.
Hutto, John R. "Living on Three
Frontiers: Mrs. Martha Jane Conway": vol. 25: 104.
Crane, R. C. "Letters from Texas":
vol. 25: 110.
Webb, J. R. "Letter from One Buffalo
Hunter to Another": vol. 25: 127.
Volume 26, 1950
- Dobie, J. Frank. "Progenitor of the
Mustang, The": vol. 26: 3.
Greer, James K. "Ex-Texas Ranger's
Duel, An": vol. 26: 20.
Kay, W. D. "South Plains Cooperative
Hospital, Amherst, Texas, The": vol. 26: 35.
Padgitt, James T. "Mrs. Mabel Day
and the Fence Cutters": vol. 26: 51.
Crimmins, M. L., Col. "First
Sergeant John W. Spangler, Company H, Second United States
Cavalry": vol. 26: 68.
Crane, Mamie D. "Sorosis Club of'
Sweetwater, Texas, 1899-1950, The": vol. 26: 76.
Crane, R. C. "Incidents of Pioneer
Railroading, Cowboys and Locomotive Firemen": vol. 26: 84.
Barfoot, Jessie Laurie. "Early
History of McCulloch County, The": vol. 26: 88.
Volume 27, 1951
- Pearce, William M. "Establishment
and Early Development of' the Matador Ranch, 1882-1890, The": vol.
27: 3.
Gober, Harold M. "Sheep Industry in
Sterling County, The": vol. 27: 32.
Miles, Susan, and Mary Bain Spence
"Major Ben Ficklin": vol. 27: 58.
Dodge, Ruby McGill. "Reynolds
Presbyterian Academy and College": vol. 27: 78.
"Leonard Waller Groce, the
Co-Founder of Texas' Main Cash Crop—Cotton": vol. 27: 99.
Faulkner, Walter A., contributor.
"Sibley in New Mexico; the Journal of William Henry Smith, With":
vol. 27: 111.
Volume 28, 1952
- Havins, T. R. "Texas Sheep Boom":
vol. 28: 3.
Smith, Ralph. "Tawehash in French,
Spanish, English, and American Imperial Affairs, The": vol. 28:
Schott, Christine. "Gustavus
Schleicher; A Representative of the Early German Emigrants in
Texas": vol. 28: 50.
Crimmins, M. L., Col. "Military
History of Camp Colorado, The": vol. 28: 71.
Padgitt, James T. "Early Day
Coleman": vol. 28: 81.
Nance, Berta Hart. "D. A. Nance and
the Tonkawa Indians": vol. 28: 87.
Reavis, Dick. "Western Cattle Trail
in Coleman County, The": vol. 28: 96.
Koen, J. C. "George Webb Slaughter":
vol. 28: 108.
Crane, R. C., contributor. "D. W.
Wallace ("80 John"); A Negro Cattleman on the Texas Frontier":
vol. 28: 113.