WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, volumes 36-42
The West Texas Historical Association
Yearbook is published annually.
Volume 36, 1960
- Graves, Lawrence L. "Lubbock, an
Epitome of Urbanization": vol. 36: 3.
Havins, T. R. "Livestock and Texas
Law": vol. 36: 18. Ewing, Floyd F., Jr. "Suggestions for the
Observance in West Texas of the Civil War Centennial": vol. 36:
Winfrey, Dorman H. "Texas State
Archives, The": vol. 36: 41.
Mason, Zane "Some Experiences of
Baptists on the Texas Frontier": vol. 36: 51.
Miles, Susan. "Fort Concho Wedding,
A": vol. 36: 63.
Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Indian
Exodus Out of Texas in 1859": vol. 36: 80. Smith, Ralph A.
"Mexican and Anglo-Saxon Traffic in Scalps, Slaves, and Livestock,
1835-1841": vol. 36: 98.
Myres, Sandra L. "S. D. Myres and
the Myres Saddle Company of Sweetwater": vol. 36: 116.
Day, James M. "Preliminary Guide to
the Study of Buffalo Trails in Texas, A": vol. 36: 137.
Thompson, Theronne. "Fort Buffalo
Springs, Texas Border Post": vol. 36: 156.
King, C. Richard. "True Blue, The":
vol. 36: 176.
Gibson, Elizabeth Jean. "Welfare
League of Coleman County, The": vol. 36: 187.
Wallace, Ernest, Editor. "History in
West Texas": vol. 36: 200.
Cravens, John N. "Anniversary
Celebrations": vol. 36: 201.
Volume 37, 1961
- McKay, S. S. "John Nance Garner":
vol. 37: 3. Taylor, Margery. "Establishment and Early History of
the Abilene State School, The": vol. 37: 45.
Manley, Curtis. "Early Background
and Break-up of the Matador Ranch": vol. 37: 57.
Kenner, Charles. "John Hittson:
Cattle King of West Texas": vol. 37: 70.
King, C. Richard. "Lillie Langtry in
Texas": vol. 37: 82.
Smith, Ralph A. "`Long’ Webster and
‘The Vile Industry of Selling Scalps’": vol. 37: 99.
Sylvan, Roy. "Drouth in West Texas,
1890-1894": vol. 37: 121.
Ramsey, Grover C. "Camp Melvin,
Crockett County, Texas": vol. 37: 137.
Duncan, John Thomas, editor. "Some
Civil War Letters of D. Port Smythe": vol. 37: 147.
Faulk, Odie B., translator and
editor. "Description of the Comanche Indians in 1786 by the
Governor of Texas, A": vol. 37: 177.
Volume 38, 1962
- Wallace, Ernest. "Colonel Ranald S.
Mackenzie's Expedition Across the South Plains": vol. 38: 3.
Brown, Lawrence L. "Beginnings of
the Episcopal Church in Western Texas": vol. 38: 19.
Huber, Armin 0. "Frederic Armand
Strubberg, Alias Dr. Shubbert, Town-Builder, Physician and
Adventurer, 1806-1889": vol. 38: 37.
Rayburn, John C. "General Sherman
Visits the Mexican Frontier, 1882": vol. 38: 72.
Temple, Frank M. "Colonel B. H.
Grierson's Administration of the District of the Pecos": vol. 38:
King, C. Richard. "Opera Houses in
West Texas": vol. 38: 97.
Williamson, J. W. "New Conclusions
on the Route of Mendoza, 1683-84": vol. 38: 111.
Miles, Susan. "Famous Romance, A":
vol. 38: 135.
Pate, J'nell. "United States-Mexican
Border Conflicts, 1870-1880": vol. 38: 175.
Volume 39, 1963
- Ewing, Floyd F., Jr. "Reverse
Migration in West Texas": vol. 39: 3.
Whisenhunt, Donald W. "Fort
Richardson": vol. 39: 19.
Hatcher, John H. "Founding of Dyess
Air Force Base, The": vol. 39: 28.
Kelly, Sister Barbara. "Catholic
Education in West Texas": vol. 39: 2.
Smith, Ralph A. "Mamelukes of West
Texas and Mexico, The": vol. 39: 65.
Berry, John. "Mission Hotel at
Putnam, Texas, The": vol. 39: 89.
Brown, Lyle C. "Tribute to a Texan,
Walter Prescott Webb": vol. 39: 93. Ledbetter, Barbara Neal. "Fort
Belknap Doctor: Dr. William B. Pope": vol. 39: 107.
Marchman, Watt P. and Robert C.
Cotner. "Indian Agent Jesse Stem: A Manuscript Revelation": vol.
39: 114.
Grant, Ben O. "Citizen Law
Enforcement Bodies: A Little More About the Vigilantes": vol. 39:
Richardson, Rupert N. "Ben Ottis
Grant": vol. 39: 165.
Volume 40, 1964
- Frantz, Joe B. "Prospecting in
Western History": vol. 40: 3.
Eoff, J. Dexter, D. D. S. "Jumano: A
Phantom Tribe?, The": vol. 40: 16.
Sherfessee, Charles M. "Paint Rock
Site and Its Cultural Significance, The": vol. 40: 28.
Hatfield, Thomas M. "Drought and
Texas Cities": vol. 40: 40.
Smith, Glenn. "Drought in Runnels
County: 1915-1918": vol. 40: 52.
Anderson, Adrian N. "Last Phase of
Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie's 1874 Campaign Against the Comanches,
The": vol. 40: 71.
Neighbours, Kenneth. "Elm Creek Raid
in Young County, 1864": vol. 40: 83.
Thonhoff, Robert H. "First Ranch in
Texas, The": vol. 40: 90.
King, C. Richard. "Dave J. Neill and
the Farmers' Union": vol. 40: 98.
Sibley, Marilyn McAdams. "With
Albert Sidney Johnston in West Texas: Austin to Fort Chadbourne,
March 1855": vol. 40: 121.
Lee, Ernest. "Woman on the Buffalo
Range: The Journal of Ella Dumont, A": vol. 40: 146.
Volume 41, 1965
- King, C. Richard. "Black's Muleshoe
Ranch": vol. 41: 3.
Noble, Joseph A. "Some Notes on Two
Promoters' Railroads": vol. 41: 20.
Hall, Esther Jane Wood, Dr. "Cowboy
Remedies on the Trail": vol. 41: 31.
Smith, Glenn. "Fence Cutting and
Stage Robbing in Runnels County": vol. 41: 42.
Lynch, Vernon. "1879 in the Echo: A
Year at Fort Griffin on the Texas Frontier": vol. 41: 51.
Miles, Susan. "Lieutenant Theodore
Lincoln Chadbourne": vol. 41: 80.
Ledbetter, Barbara Neal. "Who Was
Saint-To-Hoodle Goombi?": vol. 41: 103.
Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Battle of
Walker's Creek, The": vol. 41: 121.
Skaggs, Jimmy M. "Route of the Great
Western (Dodge City) Cattle Trail, The": vol. 41: 131
Reese, James V. "Murder of Major
Ripley A. Arnold, The": vol. 41: 144.
Volume 42, 1966
- Jones, Billy M. "West Texas: A Haven
for Health Seekers": vol. 42: 3.
Whisenhunt, Donald W. "Frontier
Military Life at Fort Richardson, Texas": vol. 42: 15.
Kenner, Charles. "Texas Rancher in
Colorado: The Last Years of John Hittson, A": vol. 42: 28.
Day, James M., and T. R. Havins.
"Peter W. Gravis on the Outside Row of the Texas Frontier:" vol.
42: 41.
Gallaway, B. P. "Physical Barrier to
Settlement on the Western Cross Timbers Frontier, The": vol. 42:
Johnson, Mrs. Virgil, and J. W.
Williams. "Some Northwest Texas Trails After Butterfield": vol.
42: 59.
Mims, Elton T. "Early Days on the
North Concho River as Revealed in the Letters of David Williams":
vol. 42: 90.
Smith, Glenn. "Some Early Runnels
County History, 1858-1885": vol. 42: 111.
Eoff, J. Dexter, D. D. S. "Old
Settlements Along the Colorado River in Runnels County": vol. 42:
Wagstaff, R. M. "Coronado's Route to
Quivira: ‘The Greater Weight of the Credible Evidence’": vol. 42: