WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, volumes 8-14
The West Texas Historical Association
Yearbook is published annually.
Volume 8, 1932
- Crimmins, M. L., Colonel. "Robert E.
Lee in Texas: Letters and Diary": vol. 8: 3.
Holden, W. C. "Problem of Stealing
on the Spur Ranch, The": vol. 8: 25.
Havins, T. R. "Passing of the
Frontier in Brown County, The": vol. 8: 43.
Duke, J. K. "Bad Men and Peace
Officers of the Southwest": vol. 8: 51.
Grace, Hybernia. "First Trip West on
the Butterfield Stage, The": vol. 8: 62.
Hutto, John R. "Big Spring and
Vicinity": vol. 8: 75.
Crane, R. C. "Early Days in
Sweetwater": vol. 8: 97.
Cunningham, J. F. "Experiences of A
Pioneer District Attorney": vol. 8: 126.
Hutto, John R. "Sweetwater Meeting,
The": vol. 8: 136.
Carroll, H. B. Book Review; W. P.
Webb, The Great Plains: vol. 8: 139.
Volume 9, 1933
- Bitner, Grace. "Early History of the
Concho Country and Tom Green County": vol. 9: 3.
Hutto, John R. "German and Catholic
Colony of Mariensfeld, The": vol. 9: 24.
Denham, Claude. "Frontier Problems
and Amusements in Crockett County": vol. 9: 35.
Powell, W. D., as told to Rupert
Richardson. "Baptist Preacher on the Texas Frontier, A": vol. 9:
Carroll, H. B.
"Coronado’s Step-Children: Social Life in the Early South Plains": vol. 9:
Emmett M. "From Range Cattle to Blooded Stock Farming in the Abilene
Country": vol. 9: 69.
Crimmins, M.
L., Col., Contributor. "Shafter’s Explorations in Western Texas, 1875": vol.
9: 82.
Riney, W. A.
"Retracing the Butterfield Trail": vol. 9: 97.
"Record of Engagement with Hostile
Indians in Texas, 1868-1882": vol. 9: 101.
"West Texans Claimed by Death": vol.
9: 119.
Volume 10, 1934
- Havins, T. R.
"Missionary Efforts of Noah T Byars, The": vol. 10: 3.
Crimmins, M. L., Col. "General
MacKenzie and Fort Concho": vol. 10: 16.
Grant, Ben 0.
"Life in Old Fort Griffin": vol. 10: 32.
Holt, R. D.
"School Land Rushes in West Texas": vol. 10: 42.
Crane, R. C.
"Stage-Coaching in the Concho Country": vol. 10: 58.
Crimmins, M.
L., Col.. "Captain Nolan’s Lost Troop on the Staked Plains": vol. 10: 68.
Hunter, J.
Marvin. "Battle of Dove Creek, The": vol. 10: 74.
Herbert R. "Later Years of Seaman A. Knapp, The": vol. 10: 88.
Mrs. M. K. "West Texas Museum at San Angelo, The": vol. 10: 104.
Volume 11, 1935
- Smith, Brooke.
"Industrial Development of Brownwood, The": vol. 11: 3.
Hamrick, Alma
Ward. "Forty Years of Pioneering in San Saba County, 1846-1886": vol. 11: 9.
Grant, Ben 0.
"Explorers and Early Settlers of Shackelford County": vol. 11: 17.
Boswell, G. C.
"James Abercrombie Hyder, Dean of West Texas Preachers": vol. 11: 38.
Rupert N. "Santa Anna and the Santa Anna Mountains": vol. 11: 47.
Crane, R. C.
"Santa Anna and the Aftermath of San Jacinto": vol. 11: 56.
Havins, T. R.
"Activities of Company E, Frontier Batallion, Texas Rangers, 1874-1880":
vol. 11: 62.
Harper, Carl.
"Building the Santa Fe Railroad Through the South Plains": vol. 11: 73.
Grant, Ben 0.,
and J. R. Webb, Contributor. "On the Cattle Trail and Buffalo Range, Joe S.
McCombs": vol. 11: 93.
Volume 12, 1936
- McKay, S. S.
"Texas State Democratic Convention of 1878, The": vol. 12: 3.
Crane, R. C.
"Claims of West Texas to Recognition By Historians, The": vol. 12: 11.
Hill, Frank P.
"South Plains and Our Indian History, The": vol. 12: 34.
Boswell, G. C.
"Some Early Activities Around Mobeetie": vol. 12: 45.
Hammons, Anne.
"West Texas Delegates to the State Constitutional Convention of 1875": vol.
12: 56.
Settle, S. E.
"Early Days in Callahan County": vol. 12: 81.
Crimmins, M.
L., Col. "What General Robert E. Lee’s Generals Thought of Him": vol. 12:
Loy William. "Brief History of Breckenridge and the Stephens County Oil
Fields, A": vol. 12: 100.
Hutto, John R.
"Pioneering of the Texas and Pacific": vol. 12: 124.
Volume 13, 1937
- Grace,
Hybernia. "Larry Chittenden and West Texas": vol. 13: 3.
Ernest. "Early Career of Charles DeMorse, The": vol. 13: 9.
Martin L., Col. "`Jack’ Hayes' Story of Fitzhugh Lee's Indian Fight": vol.
13: 40.
Guinn, Leon.
"Some Amusements and Home, Remedies in West Texas": vol. 13: 49.
Crane, R. C. "Robert E. Lee's
Expedition in the Upper Brazos and Colorado Country": vol. 13: 53.
Havins, T. R. "Frontier Era in Brown
County, The": vol. 13: 64.
Howell, D. S.
"Along the Texas Frontier During the Civil War": vol. 13: 82.
Crimmins, M.
L., Colonel, contributor. "Major Hamilton Wilcox Merrill in Texas": vol. 13:
Mauldin, W. D.
"Coming of Agriculture to Dallam County, The": vol. 13: 105.
McGough, W. C.
"Driving Cattle into Old Mexico in 1864": vol. 13: 112.
Volume 14, 1938
- Rister, C. C.
"Border Post of Phantom Hill, The": vol. 14: 3.
Waller, J. L.
"S. H. Newman: Editor of the Lone Star of El Paso, Texas": vol. 14: 14.
White, E. V.
"Education in the Early Days of West Texas": vol. 14: 24.
McKay, S. S. "Social Conditions in
Texas in the Eighteen Seventies": vol. 14: 32.
Smith, Ruby L.
"Early Development of Wilbarger County": vol. 14: 52.
Crimmins, M.
L., Colonel. "Major George H. Thomas in Texas": vol. 14: 73.
Elgin, Jack,
Captain. "Christmas Dinner On the Upper Brazos in 1872": vol. 14: 83.
Carroll, H.
Bailey. "Some New Mexico--West Texas Relationships, 1541-1841": vol. 14: 92.
Crane, R. C.
"Golden Anniversaries in West Texas": vol. 14: 103.
Hicks, I. 0.
"Hundredth Meridian and the Texas-Oklahoma Boundary in the Panhandle, The":
vol. 14: 106.
Crane, R. C.,
introduction by. "Report of Captain R. B. Marcy on His Exploration of Indian
Territory and Northwest Texas": vol. 14: 116.
Crane, R. C.
"In Memoriam: Judge Fred Cockrell; Mrs. James K. Duke; Captain Jack E.
Elgin": vol. 14: 137.