WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, volumes 29-35
The West Texas Historical Association
Yearbook is published annually.
Volume 29, 1953
- Wallace, Ernest. "Comanches on the
White Man's Road, The": vol. 29: 3.
Padgitt, James T. "Padgitts and
Saddle Leather, The": vol. 29: 33.
Crimmins, M. L., Col. "General
Albert J. Myer: The Father of the Signal Corps": vol. 29: 47.
Crimmins, M. L., Col. "Colonel
Charles Anderson Opposed Secession in San Antonio": vol. 29: 67.
"Memoirs of Henry Belding": vol. 29:
Cotton, Fred R. "Log Cabins of the
Parker County Region": vol. 29: 96.
O’neal, Ben G. "Brief Story of the
Restoration of Fort Belknap, A": vol. 29: 105.
Williams, J. W., editor. "Journey of
the Leach Wagon Train Across Texas, 1857": vol. 29: 115.
Volume 30, 1954
- Emmett, Chris. "Martin Lalor
Crimmins": vol. 30: 3.
Ewing, Floyd E., Jr. "Copper Mining
in West Texas: Early Interest and Development": vol. 30: 17.
McKay, S. S. "Rainey-Jester Campaign
for the Governorship, The": vol. 30: 30.
Temple, Frank M. "Federal Military
Defense of the Trans-Pecos Region, 1850-1880": vol. 30: 40.
Padgitt, James T. "City Slicker,
The": vol. 30: 61.
Scarborough, Jewel Davis. "Taylor
County and Its Name": vol. 30: 73.
Braly, Earl Burk. "Fort Belknap of
the Texas Frontier": vol. 30: 83.
Wallace, Ernest. "David G. Burnet's
Letters Describing the Comanche Indians, with an Introduction":
vol. 30: 115.
"Wagon Trains and Cattle Herds on
the Trail in the 1850's": vol. 30: 141.
Boyett, Anetta, and Elizabeth Ann
Maxwell. "Contributions by Junior Historians": vol. 30: 155.
Volume 31, 1955
- Ewing, Floyd F., Jr. "Come to
Newcastle, the Birmingham of the Southwest": vol. 31: 3.
Friend, Llerena. "Sam Houston and
Thomas J. Rusk": vol. 31: 15.
Lightfoot, B. B. "Human Party:
Populism in Comanche County, 1886, The": vol. 31: 28.
Ericson, J. E. "Colonization of the
Spur Farm Lands": vol. 31: 41.
Churchill, Frances M. "Notes on the
Native Grasslands of West Central Texas Since 1854": vol. 31: 54.
Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Robert S.
Neighbors and the Founding of Texas Indian Reservations": vol. 31:
Lee, R. Ernest. "Pioneer Surveyors":
vol. 31: 75.
McMillan, Edward L. "Cowboy, Product
of His Environment, The": vol. 31: 83.
Vogler, Willie Brown. "My Father,
Boley Brown": vol. 31: 96.
Richardson, T. C. "A. LeGrand Survey
for the Beals And Royuella Grant, The": vol. 31: 102.
Padgitt, Charles. "Trip to
California in 1850, A": vol. 31: 111.
Muir, Andrew Forest, editor, with an
introduction, by. "No Sabbath in West Texas: Missionary Appeals
From Boerne, 1867-1868": vol. 31: 114.
"Winding Up a Pacific Railroad
Survey: Letters of Captain John Pope": vol. 31: 122.
"Briefer Articles and News": vol.
31: 132. The Southwest Collection At Texas Tech, Seymour V.
Conner; Samuel A. Maverick, H. Bailey Carroll; The Bode Family;
The Longhorns, tribute by N. M. George; Fort Belknap.
"Memoriam, In": vol. 31: 145.
Volume 32, 1956
- Green, Lowell, and Ernest Wallace.
"Beginning of Slaton, 1911-1913, The": vol. 32: 3.
Ewing, Floyd F., Jr. "Origins of
Unionist Sentiment on the West Texas Frontier": vol. 32: 21.
Lightfoot, B.B. "From Frontier to
Farmland: High-Lights of the History of Comanche County": vol. 32:
Potts, Charles S. "Historic
Weatherford": vol. 32: 44.
Campbell, W.M., Dr. "Medicine Then
and Now": vol. 32: 49.
Haskew, Eula. "Stribling and
Kirkland of Fort Griffin": vol. 32: 55.
Rasch, Philip J. "Lynching of
William S. Pearl, The": vol. 32: 70.
Tolman, J.C. "Christmas 1887 in Palo
Duro Canyon": vol. 32: 75.
Dalton, Inez Strickland. "Menger
Hotel: San Antonio's Civic and Social Center, 1859-1877, The":
vol. 32: 85.
Padgitt, James T. "Millers and Early
Day Banking in Belton, The": vol. 32: 103.
Sutton, Mary. "Glimpses of Fort
Concho Through the Military Telegraph": vol. 32: 122.
Kincaid, Naomi H. "Anniversary
Celebrations of West Texas Towns": vol. 32: 135.
Burgess, Marvin E. "Royston Campbell
Crane": vol. 32: 149.
Volume 33, 1957
- Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Chapters
from the History of Texas Indian Reservations": vol. 33: 3.
Miller, Thomas L. "Texas, Veterans,
and Land": vol. 33: 17.
McKay, S. S. "Texas Senatorial
Campaign of 1948, The": vol. 33: 31.
Quinby, J. Roy. "Development of
Grain Sorghums, The": vol. 33: 45.
Beesley, C. A. "Texas Martyr and His
Successors, A": vol. 33: 49.
Ewing, Floyd F., Jr. "Unionist
Sentiment on the Northwest Texas Frontier": vol. 33: 58.
Kelly, Louise. "Walter Dearing
Cline": vol. 33: 71.
Connally, Grace M. "Bar-S Ranch,
The": vol. 33: 94.
Hoffman, Allen W. "Findings Along a
Segment of the California Trail of 1849": vol. 33: 105.
Farmer, Mrs. L. E. "Fort Davis on
the Clear Fork of the Brazos": vol. 33: 117.
Bernstein, Geneva M. "Forgotten
Wend, The": vol. 33: 127.
Rasch, Philip J. "Gun and the Rope,
The": vol. 33: 138.
Woodall, Stella. "Enchanting City Of
Castroville, The": vol. 33: 143.
Wallace, Ernest. "Anniversary
Celebrations in West Texas": vol. 33: 147.
Volume 34, 1958
- Graves, John. "Brazos of the
Northwest Texas Frontier, Today, The": vol. 34: 3.
Day, James M. "Jacob De Cordova's
Exploration of Northwest Texas": vol. 34: 14.
Richardson, Rupert N. "Southern
Overland Mail, Conveyor of News, 1857-1861, The": vol. 34: 25.
Neighbours, Kenneth F.
"Assassination of Robert S. Neighbors, The": vol. 34: 38.
Rayburn, John C. "Cannonading the
Clouds at Midland, 1891": vol. 34: 50.
Padgitt, James T. "Early History of
New Mexico Military Institute": vol. 34: 67.
Wilson, Aubrey A. "Soldier of the
Texas Frontier: Brevet Major Robert Patterson Wilson, United
States Army, A": vol. 34: 82.
Rasch, Philip J. "Amende Honorable:
the Life and Death of Billy Wilson": vol. 34: 97.
Farmer, Joan. "Sandstone Sentinels":
vol. 34: 112.
Hubert, H. G. (Virginia H. Taylor,
contributor) "Notes on Coleman County History": vol. 34: 128.
Wallace, Ernest, and John C. McGraw
"History in West Texas": vol. 34: 132.
"Letters About the End of Fort
Belknap and the Beginning of Fort Griffin": vol. 34: 141.
"C. R. Simmons": vol. 34: 149.
Volume 35, 1959
- Smith, Ralph A. "Comanche Invasion
of Mexico in the Fall of 1845, The": vol. 35: 3.
Miles, Susan. "Fort Concho in 1877":
vol. 35: 29.
Padgitt, James T. "Captain Joseph C.
Lea, the Father of Roswell": vol. 35: 50.
Williams, J. W. "Coronado--From the
Rio Grande to the Concho": vol. 35: 66.
Temple, Frank M. "Colonel B. H.
Grierson's Victorio Campaign": vol. 35: 99.
Henderson, E. W. "Buffalo Hump, a
Comanche Diplomat": vol. 35: 112.
Cotton, J. B. "Securing Land From
the State in West Texas": vol. 35: 125.
Clack, Tommie. "Buffalo Gap
College": vol. 35: 132.
Wootton, Ralph T. "Panorama of Oscar
Henry Cooper with Emphasis on His West Texas Career, The": vol.
35: 142.
Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Letters and
Documents About the Old Town of Fort Belknap": vol. 35: 156.
Wallace, Ernest, Editor. "History in
West Texas": vol. 35: 163.
Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Anniversary
Celebrations": vol. 35: 163.
Buie, Bernard. "Mackenzie Trail":
vol. 35: 167.