WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, volumes 64-70
The West Texas Historical Association
Yearbook is published annually.
Volume 64, 1988
- Smith, Ralph A. "Border Captives":
vol. 64: 5.
Collins, Michael L. "Big Tree and
the Kiowa Red River Raid of 1868": vol. 64: 21.
Smith, David P. "Frontier Defense
and the Cooke County Raid, 1863": vol. 64: 30.
Valek, Wesley K. "August Lieske: A
Case Study of the German-Russian Immigrant": vol. 64: 50.
Pate, J'Nell. "Livestock Legacy: The
Fort Worth Stockyards, 1887-1987": vol. 64: 70.
Williams, Dennis. "East Invades
West: The Salt Cedar Invasion of the Pecos River and Western
Environmental Defense": vol. 64: 79.
Belfiglio, Valentine J. "Early Italian Settlers of Tarrant County,
Texas": vol. 64: 88.
- Davis,
Kenneth W., & Jodella Kite. "Elmer Kelton Papers in the Southwest
Collection, The": vol. 64: 101.
Clayton, Lawrence. "Cowboys and Buckaroos: Two Faces of the Same
Figure": vol. 64: 107.
- Boren,
Mildred. "James Minus Boren: Pioneer West Texas Cowman": vol. 64:
- Fisher,
B. J. "Military Justice on the Texas Frontier": vol. 64: 123.
Nielsen, Soren W. "Ranald S. Mackenzie: The Man and His Battle":
vol. 64: 140.
- Murrah,
David, editor. "History in West Texas": vol. 64: 153.
Volume 65, 1989
- Nance, Joseph Milton. "Flag Incident
of the Texan Mier Expedition of 1842-1844, The": vol. 65: 5.
- Amin, Julius. "Black Lubbock: 1955
to the Present": vol. 65: 24.
- De Leon, Arnoldo. "Tejano Experience
in Six Texas Regions, The": vol. 65: 36.
- Felker, Mike. "Phantom Lion of
Haskell, County, Texas, The": vol. 65: 50.
- Burton, Bob. "Railroad That Refused
to Die: The Gulf, Texas and Western Railway, The": vol. 65: 61.
- Clayton, Lawrence. "Saga of the
Stone Ranch, The": vol. 65: 70.
- Hayter, Delmar. "Pioneer Women of
West Texas in the Early Twentieth Century": vol. 65: 78.
- Billingsley, William C. "`Beating,
Tarring, and Feathering of E. T. McDonald, The’": vol. 65: 93.
- Myers, James M. "Army Comes to
Abilene, The": vol. 65: 101.
- Denney, Susan G. "Oral Recollections
of the January 1918 Blizzard": vol. 65: 111.
- Kelton, Elmer. "History Versus
Fiction: No Real Conflict": vol. 65: 124.
- Berry, Mrs. John. "Tribute, A": vol.
65: 137.
- "Ralph A. Smith": vol. 65: 139.
- Clayton, Lawrence, editor. "History
in West Texas": vol. 65: 141.
Volume 66, 1990
- Elam, Earl. "U.S. Army in the Big
Bend and the Battle of Ojinaga, 1913-1914, The": vol. 66: 5.
Lamkin, Patricia E. "Black in San
Angelo: Relations Between Fort Concho and the City, 1875-1889":
vol. 66: 25.
Watters, Wes. "Early Educational
Experiences of Dr. Rupert N. Richardson, The": vol. 66: 38.
McKnight, Joseph W. "Law Without
Lawyers on the Hispano-Mexican Frontier": vol. 66: 51.
Schultz, Marvin. "Lone Star Justice:
Judicial Reform and the Texas Revolution": vol. 66: 66.
Buenger, Walter L. "Enduring
Problems in the Interpretation of Post Annexation Texas Politics":
vol. 66: 77.
Williamson, Rana K. "Have You Heard
the One About…Texas Drought Humor": vol. 66: 90.
Chase, Ralph. "Circle of Wagons, A
(An Historical Essay Fostered by the Epidemic of Poliomyelitis at
San Angelo, Texas in the Year 1949) ": vol. 66: 98.
Carnes, Rebecca. "Borden County
Ribbon Wars, The": vol. 66: 108.
Parsons, Judith A. "W. B. Mitchell
and Highland Herefords": vol. 66: 118.
Clark, Robert W. "Thomas A. Hickey:
Texas Socialist and Oilman": vol. 66: 129.
Jones, Ronald W. "Religion at Texas
Tech: Toward the Separation of Church and State": vol. 66: 139.
Adams, Michael. "Crossroads on the
Dance Floor": vol. 66: 147.
Tucker, Albert B. "B Westerns: An
Affective History of the West": vol. 66: 155.
Clayton, Lawrence, editor. "History
in West Texas": vol. 66: 166.
Volume 67, 1991
- Carlson, Paul H. "Black Sunday--The
South Plains Dust Blizzard of April 14, 1935": vol. 67: 5.
- Pate, J'Nell L. "Marjorie Rogers
Morris and the Globe of the Great Southwest in Odessa, Texas":
vol. 67: 18.
Cutter, Paul. "Trials and
Tribulations: Lubbock's Municipal Bands After World War I": vol.
67: 31.
- Ellison, Ron. "Frontier Ministry of
George Webb Slaughter, 1858-1871, The": vol. 67: 45.
Nance, Joseph Milton. "Colonel
William S. Fisher, Patriot and Soldier of the Republic of Texas":
vol. 67: 64.'
Carnes, Rebecca. "When Fact Becomes
Legend: West Texas Folk Heroes": vol. 67: 84.
Clayton, Lawrence. "Nig London,
Throckmorton County Cowman": vol. 67: 94.
Phillips, Edward Hake. "Life on the
Hart Ranches, 1896-1901": vol. 67: 101.
Chambers, Clint E. "Using the
Testimony of S.E. Stilwell in The United States vs. The State of
Texas to Scout the Life of "Jack" Stilwell": vol. 67: 111.
- Boren, Mildred. "Garza County
Murder, A": vol. 67: 122.
Kelton, Elmer. "Generational
Chauvinism": vol. 67: 130.
Clayton, Lawrence, editor. "History
in West Texas": vol. 67: 134.
Volume 68, 1992
- Smith, Ralph A. "Spanish `Piece’
Policy in West Texas, The": vol. 68: 7.
Belfiglio, Valentine J. "Public
Policy and the Mexican Italians of El Paso County, Texas,
1880-1920": vol. 68: 25.
Elam, Earl H. "Columbus and the
Historical Consequences of l492 for West Texas": vol. 68: 44.
Clayton, Lawrence. "March to
Monterrey: The Diary of Lieutenant Rankin Dilworth, The": vol. 68:
Crum, Tom. "Camp Cooper, a Different
Look": vol. 68: 62.
Chambers, Clint E. "S. E. (Jack)
Stilwell and the Court-Martial of William H. Beck": vol. 68: 76.
Underwood, Jerald. "Vaquero in South
Texas, With an Interpretation by John Houghton Allen, The": vol.
68: 93.
Tuller, Roger. "Bigamy in the lndian
Territory, 1878-1890": vol. 68: 100.
Turner, Karen. "Abilene's Minority
Population and the 1900 Census": vol. 68: 113.
Sanchez, Juan 0. "Walkout Cabrones!
The Uvalde School Walkout of 1970": vol. 68: 122.
Cutter, Paul F. "Texas Technological
College Artist Course: A Cultural Beacon on the Plains of West
Texas, 1925-1930, The": vol. 68:134.
Bellinghausen, Darlene. "Dora
Merrell Stroup: A Panhandle Pioneer": vol. 68: 147.
King, C. Richard. "By the Square in
Stephenville": vol. 68: 155.
Hume, Gladys. "Cattle Brands at the
West Texas Rehabilitation Center": vol. 68: 171.
Kite, JoDee. "History in West
Texas": vol. 68: 177.
Volume 69, 1993
- Weiner, Robert G. "West Texas and
Lubbock Music in the Fifties": vol. 69: 7.
Crawford, Henry B. "George W. Singer
and Dry Goods Retailing on the West Texas--South Plains Frontier:
1880-1890": vol. 69: 18.
Matthews, Jim. "Squarely Fought:
Fort Concho and the Campaign Against Victorio, 1880": vol. 69: 34.
Neilson, John. "Soldiers and
Surgeons: Army Medical Practice at Fort Concho, Texas, 1867-1889":
vol. 69: 45.
Smith, Bryan L. "Desegregation in
West Texas: The United States v. ISD Case": vol. 69: 59.
Doherty, Gregory A. "Beginnings of
Integration in San Angelo 1. S. D., The ": vol. 69: 74.
Romero, Yolanda G. "Adelante
Companeros: The Sanitation Worker's Struggle in Lubbock, Texas,
1968-1972": vol. 69: 82.
Hartley, Thomas J. "Crow Family of
Hamlin, Texas--1940-1945, The": vol. 69: 89.
Tull, Dorris Y. "Indians Tried to
Buy My Sister, The": vol. 69: 99.
Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Louis
William Sandusky: A Native Texan": vol. 69: 109.
Lowman, Al. "Rancher, The Printer &
The Tycoon, The. J. Evetts Haley, Carl Hertzog & Houston Harte on
the Trail of West Texas History": vol. 69: 121.
Honea, Jacqueline B. "Oklahoma Black
Blizzard, April 14, 1935, The": vol. 69: 142.
Bellinghausen, Darlene. "Mildred
Diller and the Diller Ranch": vol. 69: 151.
Clayton, Lawrence. "Graves Peeler
and the Longhorn": vol. 69: 157.
Kite, JoDee. "History in West
Texas": vol. 69: 164.
"Recent Publicatons of Interest to
West Texans": vol. 69: 168.
Volume 70, 1994
- Whisenhunt, Donald W. "Art Names:
West Texas Showman": vol. 70: 7.
Snapp, Henry F. "Pioneer Women in
West Texas Skies: Women Air Force Service Pilots of World War II":
vol. 70: 19.
Martinez, Camilo A. "Vamos Pal Wes;
Let's Go West": vol. 70: 40.
Gonzales, Raymon. "Lamb County Court
House Fight: The Competition Between Olton, Littlefield, and
Amherst, The": vol. 70: 57.
Pospisil, JoAnn. "Big Bend National
Park's Mexican Counterpart: History, Proposals, and Prospects for
an International or Companion Park in the Big Bend Area of the Rio
Grande": vol. 70: 71.
Madrid, Enrique R. "Expedition of
Captain Joseph De Ydoiaga to La Junta De Los Dos Rios, 1747-48,
The": vol. 70: 88.
Hinton, Harwood P. "Life and Death
on the Goodnight-Loving Trail": vol. 70: 102.
Cashion, Ty. "Life on Government
Hill: Fort Griffin Before the Boom": vol. 70: 113.
Parker, Mary E. "Hereford College:
Soonover in Texas": vol. 70: 126.
Dyreson, Mark. "Looking at the
Frontier Through the Eyes of Robinson Crusoe and Friday: Images of
the Frontier In Western Civilization": vol. 70: 143.
Whisenhunt, William B. "Cato Sells
and Progressive Indian Health Reform": vol. 70: 157.
Dyreson, JoDee, and Freedonia H.
Paschall. "Recent Publications of Interest to West Texans": vol.
70: 174.