WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, volumes 50-56
The West Texas Historical Association
Yearbook is published annually.
Volume 50, 1974
- Richardson, Rupert N. "Our First
Fifty Years": vol. 50: 3.
Conselman, Frank B. "Permian
Basin--From Desert to Energy Empire, The": vol. 50: 21.
Day, James M. "Brown County's Fry
Oil Boom, 1926-1927": vol. 50: 31.
Jameson, John R. "Quest for a
National Park in Texas, The": vol. 50: 47.
Dolman, Wilson E., III "Conflicts
Over Land: The Settler and the Rancher in West Texas": vol. 50:
Carlson, Lowell H. "Development of
the Cotton Stripper": vol. 50: 76.
Head, Alberta Fitzpatrick. "General
Arnold Comes to Avenger Field": vol. 50: 92.
Carlson, Paul H. "William R. Shafter
Commanding Black Troops in West Texas": vol. 50: 104.
Powell, Bishop "Pioneering in the
Concho Country: Rich Coffey": vol. 50: 117.
Wallace, Ernest, editor; Joseph
Milton Nance, contributor. "History In West Texas": vol. 50: 131.
Volume 51, 1975
- Murrah, David J. "Corset Stays to
Cattle Ranching: Charles K. Warren and the Muleshoe Ranch, From":
vol. 51: 3.
Olien, Roger M. "Man Who Never
Became a Colonel House, The": vol. 51: 13.
Morris, C. Gwin. "Plainview: The
Evolution of a West Texas Town": vol. 51: 24.
Griggs, William C. "Battle of
Yellowhouse Canyon in 1877, The": vol. 51: 37.
Gilvin, L. P. "High Plains
Highways": vol. 51: 51.
Williams, Clayton W. "Howard's Well
Massacre—1872, The": vol. 51: 58.
Day, James M. "Pecan Bayou
Memories": vol. 51: 63.
Loftin, Jack. "Kicking Bird's
Face--Saving Battle": vol. 51: 76.
Anderson, H. Allen, editor. "Indian
Raids on the Texas Frontier: The Personal Memoir of Hugh Allen
Anderson": vol. 51: 85.
Wallace, Ernest, editor; Joe R.
Baulch, contributor. "History in West Texas": vol. 51: 95.
Volume 52, 1976
- Friend, Llerena. "Meade F.
Griffin--West Texan or `From Cotronwood To Capitol’": vol. 52: 3.
Smith, Ralph A. "Old West Texas
Limekilns are Mostly Mysteries, Memories, and Material Remains":
vol. 52: 16.
King, C. Richard. "House That Ye
Built Unto Me: Preserving the Old Presbyterian Church of
Stephenville, The": vol. 52: 38.
Duke, Escal F. "Population Study of
Tom Green County, 1880, A": vol. 52: 49.
Carlson, Paul H. "Texas
Background--Spanish Or American?, The ": vol. 52: 61.
Aston, B. W. "Roby Gets a Railroad":
vol. 52: 71.
Williams, Clayton W. "Threatened
Mutiny of Soldiers at Fort Stockton in 1873 Resulted in
Penitentiary Sentences, A": vol. 52: 78.
Bruce, Leona. "Little Red Notebook,
Bannister Collection, The": vol. 52: 84.
May, Irvin M., Jr. "Marvin Jones,
Representative of and for the Panhandle": vol. 52: 91.
Wallace, Ernest, editor; Paul H.
Carlson, contributor. "History in West Texas": vol. 52: 105.
Volume 53, 1977
- Spence, Vernon Gladden. "God, Man,
and Money: Judge Legett on the Texas Frontier, For": vol. 53: 3.
Smith, Ralph A. "West Texas
Underground Frontier, 1870 To 1890, Settling the Land Six Feet
Down, The": vol. 53: 18.
Loftin, Jack. "Oliver Loving's
Little Lost Valley--Gertrudes": vol. 53: 42.
Anderson, H. Allen. "Mountain Pass:
A Texas Frontier Landmark": vol. 53: 57.
Crist, Lynda Lasswell. "Walter
Prescott Webb’s Expansive Frontier": vol. 53: 73.
Roberts, R. L. "Expansion of
Churches of Christ in West Texas in the Post-Civil War Period":
vol. 53: 91.
Harper, Cecil 0., Jr. "Before They
Were Populists: Politics and Politicians in Jack County,
1884-1892": vol. 53: 106.
Hooks, Michael Q. "Southwest
Collection Update: A Decade Report": vol. 53: 121.
Murchison, Ivan, as told to K. F.
Neighbours. "Ranching on the Pecos at the Turn of the Twentieth
Century": vol. 53: 127.
Wallace, Ernest, editor; David
Murrah, contributor. "History in West Texas": vol. 53: 137.
Volume 54, 1978
- Downs, Fane. "Fandangle: Myth as
Reality": vol. 54: 3.
Clayton, Lawrence. "Some Evidences
of Humor on the Western Frontier": vol. 54: 10.
Foster, Robert L. and Alwyn Barr
"Black Lubbock": vol. 54: 20.
Aston, B. W. "Another Day-Another
Time: Abilene in 1885": vol. 54: 32.
Christian, Garna L. "Adding on Fort
Bliss to Black Military Historiography": vol. 54: 41.
Carlson, Paul. "Discovery of Silver
in West Texas, The": vol. 54: 55.
Hale, Duane K. "Silver Boom of Brown
County in 1879, The": vol. 54: 65.
Whitt, Dana Gabbart. "Juice of
History: The Writings of A. C. Greene, The": vol. 54: 76.
Berry, Mrs. John. "Clyde's
Yesterdays": vol. 54: 82.
Murrah, David J. "William Curry
Holden": vol. 54: 92.
Wallace, Ernest, editor; Kenneth R.
Jacobs, contributor. "History in West Texas": vol. 54: 102.
Volume 55, 1979
- De Leon, Arnoldo. "Los Tasinques and
the Sheep Shearers' Union of North America: A Strike in West
Texas, 1934": vol. 55: 3.
Hale, Duane Kendall. "Cyrus N. Ray:
The Abilene Man": vol. 55: 17.
Brown, Norman D. "`Dan’s the Man,’
`Me for Ma,’ and `Lynch is a Cinch’: The Gubernatorial Election of
1926 in Texas": vol. 55: 37.
Moore, Carol, and Jane L. Winer.
"Dr. Preston E. Harrison: Pioneer Trailblazer for Mental Health in
West Texas": vol. 55: 49.
Whisenhunt, Donald W. "West Texas
and the Stock Market Crash of 1929": vol. 55: 59.
Day, James M. "Big Foot Wallace in
Trans-Pecos Texas": vol. 55: 70.
Chenoweth, Dean. "J. Manse Patton, a
Concho Banker": vol. 55: 81.
Byrns, Robert E. "San Angelo's
Street Cars": vol. 55: 87.
Kelton, Elmer. "Signers of the Texas
Declaration of Independence--Then What": vol. 55: 100.
Smith, Ralph A. "West Texas Bone
Business, The": vol. 55: 111.
Fenton, James I. "Big Spring’s
Amazing Tenderfoot: The Earl of Aylesford": vol. 55: 135.
Christian, Garna L. "Twenty-Fifth
Regiment at Fort Mcintosh: Precursor to Retaliatory Racial
Violence, The": vol. 55: 149.
Murrah, David, editor; Marilyn
Jacobs, contributor. "History in West Texas": vol. 55: 162.
Volume 56, 1980
- Carlson, Paul. "William Black and
the Beginning of the West Texas Angora Goat Industry": vol. 56: 3.
Richardson, Rupert N. "Saga of Camp
Cooper, The": vol. 56: 14.
Smallwood, James. "Southern Plains
and the Expansion of the Cotton Kingdom, The": vol. 56: 35.
Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Jesse
Wallace Williams: Man, Teacher and Writer": vol. 56: 49.
Phillips, Edward Hake. "Teddy
Roosevelt in Texas, 1905": vol. 56: 58.
Beckham, John L. "Clifton Mott
Caldwell: Citizen of Texas": vol. 56: 68.
Rodenberger, Lou. "Sand Tables and
One Eyed Cat: Experiences of Two Rural School Teachers": vol. 56:
Baulch, J. R. "Garner Held the Cow
While Jim Wells Milked Her": vol. 56: 91.
Ledbetter, Barbara A. "Black and
Mexican Slaves in Young County Texas, 1856-1865": vol. 56: 100.
Wade, Willie. "History of Sheffield,
Texas, A": vol. 56: 103.
Bruce, Leona. "Block House on Calf
Creek, The": vol. 56: 111.
Sledge, Robert W. "Lytle Gap: A West
Texas Frontier Mission, 1879-1889": vol. 56: 117.
Pettey, Weston A. "Seminole Incident
and Tom Ross, The": vol. 56: 133.
Murrah, David, editor; Marilyn
Jacobs, Paul Carlson, Michael Hooks, Richard Mason, contributors.
"History in West Texas": vol. 56: 143.