WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, volumes 57-63
The West Texas Historical Association
Yearbook is published annually.
Volume 57, 1981
- Smith, Ralph A. "Crucial Role of
Prairie Coal, The": vol. 57: 3.
Mason, Zane. "Some Thoughts on
Frontier Religion in Texas After the Civil War": vol. 57: 34.
Whisenhunt, Donald W. "Rufus Kitchens:
A Twentieth Century Circuit Rider": vol. 57: 47.
Elbow, Gary S., and Simone Gordon.
"Mennonite Colonization Efforts at Seminole, Texas, 1977-1979":
vol. 57: 55.
Brown, Pat. "Dugouts, Dooryards, Dirt
Tanks and Daffodils (Crosby County 1877-1936) ": vol. 57: 71.
House, Kurt. "Early History of Live
Oak County, Texas, An": vol. 57: 84.
- Nance,
Joseph Milton. "Robert Crawford Cotner": vol. 57: 99.
Chenoweth, Dean. "Houston Harte--Journalistic Giant": vol. 57:
Christian, Garna L. "Rio Grande City: Prelude to the Brownsville
Raid": vol. 57: 118.
- Hill, Jim
Dan. "Emergence of Historical Associations, The": vol. 57: 133.
- Clayton,
Lawrence. "Folk Column: A Prospectus, The": vol. 57: 144.
- Murrah,
David, editor; Marilyn Jacobs, Michael Hooks, Richard Mason,
contributors. "History in West Texas": vol. 57: 149.
Volume 58, 1982
- Wallace, Ernest. "Historic Indians of
the Llano Estacado, The": vol. 58: 3.
Carlson, Paul H. "Sheepherders and
Cowboys: A Comparison of Life-Styles in West Texas": vol. 58: 19.
Jones, Arthur H. "Story of William
Davies: Texas Shepherd, The": vol. 58: 29.
Mason, Richard. "Ranger and the First
West Texas Drilling Boom": vol. 58: 49.
Alf, E. Karl. "George Wilkins Kendall
and the West Texas Sheep Industry": vol. 58: 67.
Austerman, Wayne R. "San Antonio--El
Paso Mail, C.S.A., The": vol. 58: 77.
Temple, Frank M. "Discipline and
Turmoil in the Tenth U.S. Cavalry": vol. 58: 103.
Winfrey, Dorman H. "Four Texans Tour
Europe in 1910: A Look into the Journal of Auma Jon McFaden": vol.
58: 119.
Lewis, Monte. "Chickasaw on the Texas
Frontier, The": vol. 58: 130.
Kreidler, Tai. "West Texas Town
Promoters: Charles Hamilton, W.E. Spencer, and the Building of
Rotan: 1900-1920": vol. 58: 142.
Vaughan, John. "Fort Concho: Past and
Present": vol. 58: 159.
Downs, Fane. "Clayton W. Williams":
vol. 58: 171.
Clayton, Lawrence. "Factuality Versus
Artistic License in Western Folk Songs": vol. 58: 176.
Murrah, David, editor. "History in
West Texas": vol. 58: 181.
Volume 59, 1983
- Wallace, Ernest. "West Texas
Historical Association, The": vol. 59: 3.
Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Walter
R. Adams: Poet of Plum Creek": vol. 59: 15.
Myres, Sandra L. "Fort Graham:
Listening Post on the Texas Frontier": vol. 59: 33.
Austerman, Wayne R. "Jose
Policarpo Rodriquez: Chicano Plainsman": vol. 59: 52.
Bielinski, Leo S. "Beer, Booze,
Bootlegging And Bocci Ball In Thurber-Mingus": vol. 59: 75.
Malone, Robbie. "Early Abilene:
The Quieter Side of the West": vol. 59: 90.
Head, Alberta. "Nolan's
Marvelous Decade": vol. 59: 98.
Neugebauer, Janet McCreedy.
"Diary of William G. Deloach: A West Texas Farmer, The": vol. 59: 108.
Griggs, Joan Druesedow.
"`One-Armed’ Jim Reed": vol. 59: 122.
Schultz, Marvin E. "Last Hunt:
The Killing of the Buffalo in the Concho Region, 1876-1878": vol. 59: 133.
McKay, Bob. "Texas Cotton
Acreage Control Law of 1931 and Mexican Repatriation": vol. 59: 143.
Aston, B.W., and Ken Jacobs.
"Mrs. John (Thelma) Berry": vol. 59: 156.
Clayton, Lawrence. "Historical
Legends, Folktales, and West Texas": vol. 59: 161.
Murrah, David, editor. "History
in West Texas": vol. 59: 165.
Volume 60, 1984
- Smith, Ralph A. "Making of the
Picket Lands, The": vol. 60: 5.
Mason, Richard. "Handful of
Farmers, A": vol. 60: 19.
Blodgett, Jan. "Land Promotion
and Advertisement in West Texas": vol. 60: 35.
Mehls, Steven F. "Garden in the
Grasslands Revisited: Railroad Promotion Efforts and the Settlement of the
Texas Plains": vol. 60: 47.
Anderson, H. Allen. "Monroe
Brown and Rebecca Skeen Sawyer: Pioneers of the South Plains": vol. 60: 67.
Clayton, Lawrence, and Morris
Ledbetter. "John Calvin Ledbetter/S.W. Wesley: One Indian Captivity Story or
Two? ": vol. 60: 83.
Bigbee, Joe. "Goldia Malone: An
Early Day Cowgirl": vol. 60: 92.
Bates, Jack. "History of Angelo
State University, The": vol. 60: 110.
Stewart, Kenneth L., and Arnoldo
De Leon. "Education, Literacy, and Occupational Structure in West Texas,
1860-1900": vol. 60: 127.
Cutter, Paul F. "Why Not a Band:
The Early History of the Bands in Lubbock, Texas, 1904-1909": vol. 60: 144.
Clayton, Lawrence. "Today's
Cowboy: Coping with a Myth": vol. 60: 178.
Murrah, David, editor. "History
in West Texas": vol. 60: 185.
Volume 61, 1985
- Carlson, Paul H. "Bankers and
Sheepherders in West Texas": vol. 61: 5.
Olien, Diana Davids. "Rag Town
Life in the West Texas Oil Fields": vol. 61: 15.
Schofield, Donald F. "Making of
a West Texas Ghost Town, The": vol. 61: 30.
Burley, Joanne. "Glenn Biggs and
the Establishment of Guadalupe Mountains National Park": vol. 61: 42.
Williams, Mary L. "Empire
Building: Colonel Benjamin H. Grierson at Fort Davis, 1882-1885": vol.
Marshall, David. "Civilian Fort
on the Confederate Frontier, A": vol. 61: 74.
Marshall, Doyle. "Red-Haired
`Indian’ Raiders on the Texas Frontier": vol. 61: 88.
White, Benton R. "F.G. Oxsheer:
The Forgotten Cattle King": vol. 61: 106.
DeLeon, Arnoldo. "Tejano History
Scholarships: A Review of the Recent Literature": vol. 61: 116.
Myers, James. "Prisoners of War
at Camp Berkeley": vol. 61: 134.
Clayton, Lawrence. "Ice Man
Comes to Ft. Griffin: An Oral History from the 1930's, The": vol. 61: 141.
Byrns, Robert E. "Escal Duke":
vol. 61: 147.
Byrns, Robert E. "Presidential
Address": vol. 61: 151.
Murrah, David, editor. "History
in West Texas": vol. 61: 162.
Volume 62, 1986
- Grider, Sylvia. "Showdown
Between Dorothy Scarborough and Judge R.C. Crane, The": vol. 62: 5.
Henegar, Lucielle. "Beating
Swords into Ploughshares: Hereford Military Reservation and Reception
Center": vol. 62: 14.
Hooks, Michael Q. "Recording
West Texas Lands: The Role of the General Land Office": vol. 62: 29.
Blodgett, Jan. "Crosby County's
Year Old Baby: Julian Bassett and the Development of Crosbyton, Texas": vol.
62: 43.
Jones, Eugene W. "Decade of the
Country Editor: 1954-1964, A": vol. 62: 52.
Hayter, Delmar. "Early
Development of the Pecos River Valley of New Mexico and Texas, 1880-1900,
The": vol. 62: 69.
Duke, Escal F. "J. Willis Johnson:
Lawman, Rancher, Banker": vol. 62: 86.
Clayton, Lawrence. "Ronnie Gill,
Log Cabin Builder: A Study in Material Folklore": vol. 62: 98.
Fisher, B.J. "Medical Conditions
at West Texas Military Posts in the 1850's": vol. 62: 108.
Baulch, Joe R. "Making West
Texas Safe for Democracy: The 1917 Farmers and Laborers Protective
Association Conspiracy": vol. 62: 119.
Bond, Ann Y. "Wylie, Taylor
County, Texas": vol. 62: 130.
Olien, Diana Davids, and Roger M.
Olien. "Dedication: J. Conrad Dunagan": vol. 62: 141.
Berry, Mrs. John. "Excessive
Land, An": vol. 62: 145.
Murrah, David, editor. "Historv
in West Texas": vol. 62: 149.
Volume 63, 1987
- Nance, J. Milton. "Rendezvous at
the Alamo: The Place of Bowie, Crockett and Travis in Texas History": vol.
63: 5.
Mowrey, Danile Patrick, and Paul
H. Carlson. "Native Grasslands of the High Plains of West Texas:
Past-Present-Future, The": vol. 63: 24.
Colwell, James L. "Wings Over
West Texas: Pecos Army Air Field in World War II": vol. 63: 42.
- Inselberg, Lee Bradley. "Lubbock
Lake Site: The History and Development of a Site, The": vol. 63: 63.
Davis, Kenneth W. "Jeanne
Williams--Novelist: The Williams Papers in the Southwest Collection, Texas
Tech University": vol. 63: 77.
Kite, JoDee. "Image of Woman in
the Novels of Jeanne Williams, The": vol. 63: 84.
Wagner, James. "Cowboy--Origin
and Early Use of the Term": vol. 63: 91.
Philipps, Edward Hake. "Up the Trail
in '93": vol. 63: 101.
Clayton, Lawrence. "Mountain Man
in West Texas, The": vol. 63: 118.
Romero, Yolanda. "Los Socios Del
Sementerio(Sic): A Mexican-American Burial Society in Early Lubbock, Texas":
vol. 63: 123.
Mason, Richard. "Lost Seas and
Forgotten Climes: Petroleum and Geologists in North Texas": vol. 63: 131.
Burton, Bob. "`I Wish We Were
Not Called Upon To Act’": The Early Growth of the Santa Fe Railway on the
South Plains": vol. 63: 153.
Martin, Cindy. "Southwest
Collection: New Materials, New Directions, The": vol. 63: 171.
Stewart, Patricia. "John Moore
Shannon: His Life, Legend and Legacy": vol. 63: 178.
Murrah, David, editor. "History
in West Texas": vol. 63: 189.