WTHA Publications-
Yearbook, volumes 43-49
The West Texas Historical Association
Yearbook is published annually.
Volume 43, 1967
- Ewing, Floyd F., Jr. "James H.
Baker: Cattleman and Trail-Driver": vol. 43: 3.
Skaggs, Jimmy M. "Economic Impact of
Trailing: One Aspect, The": vol. 43: 18.
Martin, Tessica. "Brownwood, Texas
in World War II": vol. 43: 31.
Kincaid, Naomi H. "Surface Water in
West Texas": vol. 43: 44.
Schuster, Stephen W., IV.
"Modernization of the Texas Rangers: 1933-1936, The": vol. 43: 65.
Miller, Thomas Lloyd. "Oscar
Calloway and Preparedness": vol. 43: 80.
Duke, Escal F. "George F.
McAllister: Son of Adversity": vol. 43: 94.
Grider, Sylvia. "’He's For
Progress’: C. P. Buckler and the White Deer Land Company": vol.
43: 104.
Hughes, Pollyanna B. "James Rufus
Gaut: Pioneer Panhandle Editor": vol. 43: 118.
King, C. Richard. "Wildflowers,
Grassburrs, and Thorns: an Oil Refinery at Gorman": vol. 43: 126.
Ledbetter, Barbara. "Oil City, Young
County, Texas": vol. 43: 135.
Dunn, Roy Sylvan. "Southwest
Collection: A Regional Depository, The": vol. 43: 144.
Volume 44, 1968
- Wagstaff, R. M. "Beginnings of the
Big Bend Park": vol. 44: 3.
Spence, Vernon G. "Colonel Morgan
Jones: Master Builder of Texas Railroads": vol. 44: 15.
Skaggs, Jimmy M. "Frontier Business
Diversification: The Webb and Hill Company of Albany, Texas": vol.
44: 26.
Gracy, David B., II. "Arthur P.
Duggan: and the Early Development of Littlefield": vol. 44: 38.
Spoede, Robert William. "W. W.
Johnson and the Beginnings of Coal Mining in the Strawn-Thurber
Vicinity, 1880-1888": vol. 44: 48.
Goldblatt, Kenneth A. "George Wythe
Baylor in West Texas, 1848-1865": vol. 44: 60. Ledbetter, Barbara.
"Zachariah Ellis Coombes, the Samuel Pepys of the Texas Frontier":
vol. 44: 68.
Smith, Ralph A. "Poor Mexico, So Far
From God and So Close to the Tejanos": vol. 44: 78.
Hancock, William Box. "Trail Life":
vol. 44: 106.
"Greenhorn Learns About the Range:
Reminiscences of H. R. Van Tyne, A": vol. 44: 117.
"Purchasing Land and Sharing in
Church Affairs in North Texas in 1888: Excerpts from the Diary of
George F. Leclerc III": vol. 44: 122.
Campbell, T. N., and William T.
Field. "Identification of' Comanche Raiding Trails in Trans-Pecos
Texas": vol. 44: 128.
Zachry, Juanita Daniel. "Pioneering
in Range Conservation: the Abilene Agriculture Experiment Station,
1898-1901": vol. 44: 145.
Neighbors, Kenneth F. "Floyd Ford
Ewing, Jr.": vol. 44: 157.
Duff, Katharyn. "Jewell Davis
Scarborough (Mrs. Dallas Scarborough)": vol. 44: 161.
Volume 45, 1969
- Connor, Seymour V. "Mendoza-Lopez
Expedition and Location of San Clemente, The": vol. 45: 3.
Minter, Alan H. "Tigua Indians of
the Pueblo De Ysleta Del Sur, El Paso County, Texas, The": vol.
45: 30.
Duke, Escal F. "O. M. Smith—Frontier
Pay Clerk": vol. 45: 45.
Barr, Alwyn. "Ben Terrell: Agrarian
Spokesman": vol. 45: 58.
King, C. Richard. "Col. John D.
Berry": vol. 45: 72.
Green, Lola Beth. "Texas Tech Museum
and Its Director, The": vol. 45: 85.
- Wagstaff, R. M. "Buffalo Gap vs.
Taylor City": vol. 45: 105.
Cravens, John N. "Two Miners and
Their Families in the Thurber-Strawn Coal Mines, 1905-1918": vol.
45: 115.
Taylor, William C. "Henry A. Whaley:
First Permanent White Settler of Clay County, Texas": vol. 45:
Sullivan, Jerry M. "Fort McKavett,
1852-1883": vol. 45: 138.
Dolman, Wilson E., III. "Odessa,
Texas During the Depression, 1932-1936": vol. 45: 150.
Gracy, David B. "Writing of Regional
History, The": vol. 45: 161.
Skaggs, Jimmy M., editor.
"Reminiscences of Lydia Louise Mooar": vol. 45: 171.
Byrns, Robert E. "Ubiquitious
Mesquite, The": vol. 45: 76.
Wallace, Ernest. "Seth Shepard
McKay": vol. 45: 183.
Richardson, Rupert N. "John Floyd
Berry": vol. 45: 189.
Duff, Katharyn. "Robert E. Nail":
vol. 45: 191.
Volume 46, 1970
- Day, James M. "Plunder at Laredo,
1842, and the T. J. Green--Sam Houston Quarrel": vol. 46: 3.
- Harrison, Lowell H. "Adobe Walls,
Frontier Enterprise": vol. 46: 14.
Smith, Ralph A. "Comanche Sun Over
Mexico, The": vol. 46: 25.
Holcomb, Bob C. "Joe Bailey and
Agrarian Reform in the Congressional Election Of 1890": vol. 46:
Elam, Earl Henry. "Butler and Lewis
Mission and Treaty of 1846, The": vol. 46: 72.
Jones, Billy M. "Lonely West Texan
in the Philippine Insurriection--1890-1901, A": vol. 46: 101.
Wagstaff, Robert M. "Texas Marriage
Bond, The": vol. 46: 112.
Watkins, John J. "Amon Carter and
the Waggoner Feud": vol. 46: 118.
Richardson, Rupert N. "M. A. Grisham
and the Grisham-Hunter Corporation": vol. 46: 135.
Williams, Clayton W. "Excerpts from
the Diary of George W. Wedemeyer": vol. 46: 156.
Biles, Roberta Frances. "Frame House
Era in Northwest Texas, The": vol. 46: 167.
Roberts, Derrell C. "Governor Joseph
E. Brown of Georgia and the Texas and Pacific Railroad": vol. 46:
"Speculator as a Promoter and
Developer of Irrigation on the Texas High Plains, 1910-1920, The":
vol. 46: 187.
Odin, J. M., introduction by Fane
Downs. "Catholicism in West Texas in 1841-1842: A Letter": vol.
46: 198.
Green, Robert. "Free Range Era of
the Cattle Industry, The": vol. 46: 204.
Wallace, Ernest. "John C. McGraw":
vol. 46: 211.
Volume 47, 1971
- May, Irvin, Jr. "Welfare and
Ranchers: The Emergency Cattle Purchase Program and Emergency Work
Relief Program in Texas, 1934-1935": vol. 47: 3.
McClung, Donald R. "Second
Lieutenant Henry 0. Flipper: A Negro Officer on the Texas
Frontier": vol. 47: 20.
Zeigler, Robert E. "Cowboy Strike of
1883: Its Causes and Meaning, The": vol. 47: 32.
Moore, Richard H. "West Texas, a
Frontier that Walter Prescott Webb Missed": vol. 47: 47.
Smith, Ralph A. "Many Mini Treaties
with West Texas Indians": vol. 47: 62.
Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Cottonwood
Spring: Its Significance": vol. 47: 78.
King, C. Richard. "Louella Styles
Vincent: Texas Editor and Author": vol. 47: 89.
Murrah, David J. "C. C. Slaughter's
Lazy S Ranch": vol. 47: 107.
Scannell, Jack C. "Survey of the
Stagecoach Mail in the Trans-Pecos, 1850-1861, A": vol. 47: 115.
Lang, Herbert H. "Fort Worth's Role
in the Origins of the Helium Industry": vol. 47: 127.
Sullivan, Jerry M., editor.
Documents. "Lieutenant Colonel William R. Shafter's Pecos River
Expedition of 1870": vol. 47: 146.
Volume 48, 1972
- Byrns, Robert E. "Days of Departed
Glory--San Angelo as a Former Railroad Center": vol. 48: 3.
Baulch, Joe R. "W. P. Soash on the
Urban Frontier of West Texas": vol. 48: 19.
Marler, Charles H. "Prophet from
Abilene, The": vol. 48: 37.
Nall, Kline A. "J. A. Baker Store,
the Family, and the Era, The": vol. 48: 63.
Kelton, Elmer. "Converting History
into Fiction": vol. 48: 85.
Wagstaff, R. M. "Impact of the
Indian Treaties of the Little Arkansas (1865) and Medicine Lodge
(1867) on Northwest Texas": vol. 48: 96.
Barr, Alwyn. "John Nance Garner's
First Campaign for Congress": vol. 48: 105.
Jones, Billy M. "Walter Dibrell:
Early Methodist Circuit Rider in the Concho Basin": vol. 48: 111.
Sewell, Ernestine P. "Real "Anabasis
of Captain" Robson, The": vol. 48: 123.
Dennis, Dorothy Austin. "Major Willa
Viley Johnson and the Kentucky and Magnolia Cattle Companies":
vol. 48: 135.
Dunn, Roy Sylvan. "Drouth, History
and Sociology": vol. 48: 154.
Volume 49, 1973
- Randolph, J. Ralph. "Border Reaction
to the Villa Raids": vol. 49: 3.
Ricker, Suzanne. "Harley Sadler and
His Own Company": vol. 49: 16.
Byrns, Robert E. "Puffing Along the
Santa Fe with Conductor John B. Davenport": vol. 49:28.
Smith, Ralph A. "Bounty Power
Against West Texas Indians ": vol. 49: 40.
Zambus, James. "Ericksdahl, a
Swedish Community in Jones County, Texas": vol. 49: 59.
Brown, Clara. "Historic Efforts to
Solve the Water Problem in the Wilds of the Wichitas": vol. 49:
Green, William Elton. "Dr. William
Morrow Notson, the First Historian of the Concho Country": vol.
49: 78.
Neighbours, Kenneth F. "Tonkawa
Scouts and Guides": vol. 49: 90.
Henry, F. P. "The Controversy Over
the Incorporation of Impact, Texas": vol. 49: 114.
Duke, Escal F., editor. "Description
of the Route from San Antonio to El Paso by Captain Edward S.
Meyer, A": vol.49: 128.
Wallace, Ernest, editor; W. Earl
Brown, contributor. "History in West Texas": vol. 49: 142.